Mexican Internet provider Terra offers free Wi-Fi in exchange for dog poop

With an ever-growing number of laptop and mobile device users, the demand for Wi-Fi — especially the free kind — is growing too. But how far are you willing to go to get access?

An Internet provider in Mexico called Terra has started a campaign to help beautify Mexico City's parks by offering free Internet access in exchange for dog poop, CNET reports.

This quirky video explains how "Poo WiFi" works:

The project, a partnership between Terra and advertising agency DDB, aims to keep ten of Mexico City's parks a bit cleaner by offering an incentive. According to CNET, staff members will be nearby to make sure the system is being used honestly and that dog poop is actually being placed in the bins.

While Poo WiFi is certainly an odd way to dole out free Internet, it isn't the first offbeat campaign to provide Internet access to the masses.

Recently, at SXSW, a campaign to help local homeless men and women was highly criticized for dehumanizing the people it was trying to support. "Homeless Hotspots" gave 13 homeless people MiFi devices that provided 4G service to those who texted the number on the person's t-shirt.