Still looking for a New Year's resolution? How about being a better human being?

Being a little more courteous on the road is just one way to be kinder in 2015. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
Being a little more courteous on the road is just one way to be kinder in 2015. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

With the turn of the calendar to a fresh 2015, people are making all kinds of resolutions – to lose weight, to save money, to quit smoking, whatever.

Those are great, and hats off to everyone trying to better themselves. Big changes require serious commitment and steely resolve.

But I challenge everyone to be a better human being in 2015. The world is getting faster and more crowded, and with it, common humanity is taking a back seat to selfishness and material wealth – everything is me, me, me and more, more, more.

Therefore, here are some easy things everyone can resolve to do in 2015, and they don't require Herculean effort. In fact, you might actually feel a little better about yourself.

Be courteous

If there's anything I've noticed disappearing over the past few years, it's common courtesy. People don't hold doors for anyone anymore, let alone hold an elevator for the poor schlub running to catch it. People don't stand up when shaking hands with someone they've just met. People don't slow down and allow someone signalling to get into their lane in traffic.

When I was a kid, we were told to address everyone as "sir" or "ma'am" unless told otherwise. We actually stood up when a lady sat at a table, and we pushed in her chair. It was just common courtesy. Now it's very uncommon courtesy. Most peoples' manners haven't advanced beyond those of a self-centred five-year-old.

Look someone in the eye when you're addressing them. Help the new guy feel welcome. Here's a good one: Listen before you speak. If 90% of Millennials actually followed that one, imagine how much better – and quieter – the world would be.

Which brings me to ...

Be humble

Believe it or not, you don't know everything, and your opinions really don't matter in the whole scheme of things.

Selfies have become the latest rage – people taking pictures of themselves at events. Does anyone understand the absurdity of that? To these people, the event itself is actually less important than recording the fact that they were there.

We all have a lot to learn about the world and everyone who lives in it, for better or worse. Aim to learn something new every day, and be an open door to learning new things.

Here's a challenge ... see how long you can go in a conversation without starting a sentence with "I." If you are speechless after a couple of seconds, you've got a long way to go in terms of being humble.

And that leads directly into ...

Be less judgemental

It's easy to jump on someone as an "idiot" when he cuts you off in traffic – but you have no idea of all the events that led up to that sudden, risky manouever. Maybe he's stressed because he's running late for a job interview? Maybe he broke up with his wife? Maybe his kids are screaming in the back seat?

Before you jump to conclusions – and on the horn – take just a second to realize that he most likely wouldn't have done it under perfect conditions, and understand that whatever caused him to swerve was more likely the culmination of a thousand unseen variables than a maliciousness to force you on the brakes.

And one of biggest sources of conflict these days is a basic lack of respect for others, particularly people who are different. Maybe it's a woman in a burka or a guy covered in tattoos.

When I was a teenager couch-surfing around the country, I met a guy who looked beyond what I did for a living before judging me. Rather than focusing on the fact that I was unemployed, he asked about my family, my interests, even my politics, and made his assessments on that rather than my status in the work world. I always respected that and have never forgotten it when meeting new people.

Don't be so quick to judge, because snap judgements are usually wrong.

There you go. Three easy resolutions. Do your part and be a better human being in 2015.