The breakdown: What happened to Lindsay Lohan’s face?

Those teeth! That skin! We hate to facesnark, but we need to break this mess down.

It's true, Lindsay Lohan has not looked like herself in a long, long time. But the former ginger sex symbol-turned-tabloid target managed to turn up the trainwreck one thousand notches last night in Los Angeles. The 25-year-old attended the premiere of "Saints Row: The Third" -- we think that's a video game -- and the pictures are SO BAD. And sad. And we hate to facesnark, but we need to break this mess down:

The teeth. Lohan's pearly whites are no longer pearly nor white. They're visibly uneven and discolored -- the same hue as her yellow hair.

The skin. Spray-tanned and/or fake-and-baked to achieve an unnatural shade of burnt orange. With the hair extensions and bottle-blonde Michaele Salahi mane, LiLo appears far older than her age and more like a side character on "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" who hopes to become a series regular. (Like Bebe Buell said, LiLo should go back to red.)

The creepy stare. Lindsay: we know you're trying to do your best Marilyn Monroe here but this is not sexy. You look A) somewhat stoned and B) vaguely murderous and C) cuckoo for "crystals."

There may be hope for her yet! (Although after, like, 347 "second chances," that's highly debatable.)