Breonna Taylor grand jury member files petition to release transcripts

A member of the grand jury in the Breonna Taylor case filed a motion in Jefferson County, Kentucky, on Monday, asking that the sealed grand jury transcripts and records be released and jurors receive permission to publicly discuss the proceedings.

In March, three officers from the Louisville Metro Police Department entered Taylor's apartment on a no-knock warrant as part of a narcotics investigation into her former boyfriend. Her current boyfriend, a legal gun owner, said he thought they were intruders, and fired his weapon. The officers returned fire, and Taylor died after being shot multiple times.

Last week, Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron announced the grand jury decided not to indict any of the officers in connection with Taylor's death, but one of the men, Brett Hankison, was indicted on charges of wanton endangerment for firing into the apartment of Taylor's neighbor. Hankison, who was fired by the police department, pleaded not guilty on Monday.

The anonymous juror's petition was filed by attorney Kevin Glogower, who wrote that the person wants the transcripts released "so the truth may prevail," adding that they felt "compelled to act in a manner that promotes transparency, truth, and justice."

The motion also states that Cameron "attempted to make it very clear that the grand jury alone made the decision. The citizens of this commonwealth have demonstrated their lack of faith in the process and proceedings in this matter and the justice system itself. Using the grand jurors as a shield to deflect accountability and responsibility for these decisions only sows more seeds of doubt in the process while leaving a cold chill down the spines of future grand jurors."

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