California nuns want to heal with the power of pot

California’s Central Valley is home to a weed nunnery called “The Sisters of the Valley.” Based in the town of Merced, the sisters grow and harvest their own cannabis plants. Their mission: to heal and empower women with their products.

Despite the religious dress, the sisters insist they aren’t religious. “We’re against religion, so we’re not a religion,” says Sister Kate, who founded the sisterhood in 2014, to Reuters. “We consider ourselves Beguine revivalists, and we reach back to pre-Christian practices.”

A case in point: the group believes hemp, a strain of marijuana with very low THC levels, is the true Holy Trinity.

The group made roughly $750,000 in sales last year, and has been selling cannabis-based products since the start of 2015. But with promises by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions to crack down on the plant, the sisters have started looking north to sell their products.

“The thing Trump has done for us is put a fire under our butts to get launched in another country,” said Kate to Reuters. “Our response to Trump is Canada.” They plan to launch operations there in two months.