This Cat And Hamster Have Become The Best Of Friends And Love Cuddling Each Other

Most cats would probably tear the head off this hamster without giving it a second thought.

But not Penny, she’s best friends with hamster Tarcil after owner Rachel Wihelm put them together to see how they’d get along with each other.

Remarkably, the two have become the best of friends, and are often seen cuddling up to each other.

Rachel, a photographer from Fort Wayne, Indiana, first spotted the pair’s relationship when Penny would try and get into Tarcil’s photos.

The 25-year-old explained: ‘When I first got Tarcil, I gave him so much attention that Penny quickly got jealous.

‘I decided that she was suffering from ‘only child syndrome’ which was very apparent when I would be holding and talking to Tarcil.

‘With her bad attitude towards him, and the fact that he is a defenceless hamster, I kept the two of them separated for many months.

‘But after a while, I noticed that Penny would act interested in Tarcil, and Tarcil didn’t seem scared at all by her presence - in fact she loved it.’

Tarcil is also know for starring in Rachel’s photo blogs - having previously snapped while dressed as Superman, the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus.
