China's captive giant pandas return to the wild

STORY: Efforts to introduce captive-bred giant pandas into the wild are working and their population is growing.

That's according to Chinese scientists at a giant panda sanctuary in Ya’an in southwestern Sichuan province.

Since 2003, China has successfully reintroduced 12 captive giant pandas into the wild.

10 of the 12 survived.

Forest engineer Yang Xi says his team was thrilled to capture the first images of a giant panda with its cub on infrared cameras.

"Previously, there were only 28 wild giant pandas in this area according to survey data. Now, with the giant pandas having cubs, it proves that our conservation is effective and their numbers are gradually increasing."

Scientists say the carefully selected captive giant pandas are released to mate with wild pandas in order to ensure their genetic diversity increases.

China has established 67 giant panda nature reserves as of July 2023.

China's National Forestry and Grassland Administration says those reserves are effectively protecting over 60% of wild giant panda populations.