Climate change researchers have spooky experience at Alcatraz

Climate change researchers have spooky experience at Alcatraz

A team of researchers tasked with building a 3D map of Alcatraz Island to track erosion has returned with a scary tale.

The team spent three weeks at the site of the former San Fransisco Bay jail, sleeping in prison cells that once housed some of the most prominent criminals in the United States.

They spent their nights in D block, where the most dangerous inmates lived.

The researchers later shared with CBS Bay Area News that the island lives up to its reputation of being haunted.

Team members recounted hearing the sounds of crowds of people at night, despite there being nobdoy else around, furniture seemingly moving around, and a piano spontaneously starting playing.

Undeterred but spooked, the team successfully completed the assignment.

Alcatraz Island is vulnerable to accelerated erosion due to extreme storms and rising sea levels.

Several species inhabit the site, including deer mice, banana slugs, and salamanders.

Countless seabirds also frequent the island.

Header image: File photo/Canva.