CNN's Jim Acosta Slams Elon Musk's Fascination With Location-Sharing 'Fantasy'

CNN anchor Jim Acosta is chalking up Twitter CEO Elon Musk’s concerns over location sharing to a load of “fantasy.”

Acosta weighed in on Musk’s claims that several journalists were suspended from the social media platform after violating rules by sharing his “exact real-time location.”

Musk, who tweeted that the information was “basically assassination coordinates,” joined a Twitter Spaces chat on Thursday where he doubled down on his false claim as The Washington Post’s Drew Harwell — one of the journalists whose accounts have since been reinstated on the platform — pressed him.

Acosta questioned Musk’s “real-time location” claim on Saturday and defined his accusation as part of a “fantasy.”

“If you’re a reporter covering a politician or a sporting event and you tweet that [someone has] just arrived on the floor, that a player has arrived at the stadium, I suppose you’re talking about their real-time location. But if you’re talking about Elon Musk’s jet, I mean how in the world are you supposed to be providing precise coordinates at any given moment?” Acosta asked.

Acosta continued: “If you were to extrapolate this out and engage in this fantasy, I mean does he think the U.S. Air Force is coming? It’s just so strange.”

You can listen to Acosta’s remarks in the clip below.
