Consent is sexy: Brandon University students learn about consent culture this week

Consent is sexy: Brandon University students learn about consent culture this week

Consent is sexy. That's the message organizers of a series of events hope to share with students this week at Brandon University.

The university's "Yes Means Yes!" committee is presenting #Ask4it, a campaign dedicated to consent culture at the post-secondary institution. It's the first time such a campaign is being held at BU.

Consent culture focuses on gaining consent from a partner prior to engaging in sexual activity.

"The point of the week is to develop a conversation and some dialogue about what consent looks like for students in particular on campus," said Dr. Corinne Mason, coordinator of the Gender and Women's Studies program at BU.

The campaign is also meant to start a conversation about sexual assault on campus, she said.

"Every campus has an issue with sexual assault," she said. "Every city across Canada has an issue with sexual assault and Brandon University is no exception."

Mason said it was exciting to see many students and student groups jump on board to raise awareness about consent culture and to organize the week's events, which include a film screening, workshops, a scavenger hunt and a condom-themed social.

It's a topic many students at BU keep top of mind.

"Obviously it's important for everyone's safety," said student Joey Angus.

"I think that it's such a huge issue in our society and we're exposed to it so many times and it's so easy now with social expectations now to be a victim," Emma Coley said. "I think everybody knows somebody that has experienced that."

"It's an issue for everyone," said Derrick Booth. "Sex and sexual issues affect everyone and on college and university campuses that's when those are most prevalent."

And for students who have been sexually assaulted, Mason has a message.

"I believe you, we believe you," she said. "There are people here to support you on campus."