Council hikes maximum fly-tipping fine to £1,000

Dumped rubbish
The new policy marks a £600 rise in the maximum amount fly-tippers can be fined [BBC]

People caught dumping waste in Barnsley could soon be fined up to £1,000, under a new policy approved by the local authority.

The scheme, which will come into effect in August, marks a £600 rise in the maximum penalty which can be given to fly-tippers in the town.

Government legislation allowing councils to hand out four-figure fines to those guilty of fly-tipping was introduced last year.

Anyone caught dumping more than six bags of waste could be liable to pay the maximum amount, the council said.

Barnsley Council spent £265,000 on clearing and disposing of litter and fly-tipping during 2022/23, the Local Democracy Reporting Service said.

The council said the higher fine would target "those more likely to fly tip as a criminal enterprise".

The maximum fine for graffitiing will also double from £100 to £200, as it costs the council at least £200 to remove.

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