Dog allegedly eats owners’ heroin and overdoses. Myrtle Beach firefighters revived animal

Myrtle Beach firefighters were able to revive a small dog who overdosed after it had eaten heroin, according to a Myrtle Beach Police report.

The 15-pound dog was brought to Fire Station 3, 2108 S. Kings Highway, on May 27, 2024, by a home health aid who was visiting a room at the Palmetto Vista Motel, 2600 S. Ocean Blvd., the report said. Myrtle Beach Police responded to the fire station where firefighters administered Narcan to the dog through a nebulizer, reviving the dog.

The dog, identified as a chihuahua- mix dog, was then taken to an emergency animal hospital.

One of the dog’s owners was at the fire station when officers arrived, the report said. The owner admitted that a person left 1 gram of heroin on the table and the dog ate the drug, the report said.

Officers went to the motel where the second owner was found and searched the room, where officers found additional heroin and cocaine, the report said.

Danielle Serrena Young, 38, and Shane Collins Harris, 39, were charged with abandonment and mistreatment of animals.

It is unclear from the report if the dog survived.