Doing good rewarded with grant money

Tbaytel has awarded $30,000 in grants to five organizations for their community projects through its Tbaytel for Good Fund.
The funds are set aside each year for Tbaytel's sponsorship program.
Agnes Notarbartolo, Tbaytel's manager of communication and brands, says since the Community Fund's inception in 2013, this year's round of 63 submissions from across Northwestern Ontario marked a milestone with the highest number of entries to date.
"The community fund is just one of the ways that we give back," she said.
"We have strategic partnerships that we have throughout the year, community sponsorships where non-for-profit organizations that reach out to us and many events that Tbaytel has sponsored in the community."
She added the 12 Days of Christmas culminates the year along with the company's employee outreach where employees pick two organizations to sponsor throughout the year.
"There's a volunteer component to that as well," she said.
Notarbartolo said this is a way for Tbaytel to show its appreciation to its customers, while being important to all of its employees.
This year's recipients include Pope John Paul II Sr. Elementary School's Grade 7 students. They will receive $1,600 for transportation to Pioneer Ridge up to 10 times a year to support their continued participation in the Grand-friend program.
Dryden Fire Service will receive $4,099 to provide free installation of fire alarms to residents, aiming to decrease the number of fire-related fatalities as part of their 122 Campaign.
Rainy Lake Nordic Ski Club will receive $5,550 for maintenance and replacement of a broken window and degraded siding on their ski chalet, installation of solar lighting in their garage, updating maps and trail signage and the purchase of new equipment for their Learn to Ski Jack Rabbit Program.
The Conmee Emergency Service Department will put their cut of $9,375.50 into the acquisition of a new Holmatro Pentheon PCT 60 Combi life-saving tool, to aid in road traffic accidents.
Whitefish Public School received $9,375.50 to enhance its kindergarten play yard with new features, which include a small boat play structure, STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) elements, and areas for dramatic play.
A panel of community judges, which included Notarbartolo, scored the submissions based on four criteria: impact, beneficiaries, feasibility, and budget.

Sandi Krasowski, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, The Chronicle-Journal