Emergency funding granted for Wescast Community Complex

NORTH HURON – Interim Director of Public Works and Facilities Chip Wilson presented a report to council here on June 17, requesting emergency funding for the Dectron Unit (dehumidifier) at the Wescast Community Complex after a power surge on May 1 damaged the unit.

Wilson said in his report, “Other places of business were also affected. Township staff have been receiving many complaints from pool patrons and have been working closely with contractors to achieve the most cost-effective and time-sensitive solution for the repair. The repair includes the purchase and installation of replacement parts. Due to the nature of the cause, this is an unexpected expense. Staff are seeking council’s approval to fund the repair to an upset limit of $15,000 from the Recreation Equipment Reserve.”

Wilson added, “Staff were quoted $11,447.75 for the repairs and an additional $1,600.00 for installation.”

Several councillors asked Wilson if the unit had a surge protector and if this was possibly an insurance claim.

Wilson said he understood from the staff at the complex that “there were fuses blown along the line and then it still got to the unit and damaged the unit.” Wilson said there would be a discussion about the surge protection they plan to implement.

As for putting it through insurance, Wilson said, “I understand that the deductible is quite a bit more than this, so I guess it wouldn’t be feasible to go through insurance.”

Cory Bilyea, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Wingham Advance Times