‘Euphoria’ star Sydney Sweeney says she’s ‘always had a hard time having girl friends’

Sydney Sweeney is reflecting on how far she’s come in life.

The Euphoria star, 25, is the youngest honoree on Elle’s 2022 Women in Hollywood list. And during her acceptance speech at Monday night's event, the rising star spoke candidly about the lessons she's learned in life thus far — while acknowledging the female friendships she's gained along the way.

“You are the sister I've always wanted," she told Euphoria co-star Maude Apatow, who presented Sweeney with the honor. "I am so lucky to be able to play a sister on Euphoria with you, and you're my best friend. It's such an amazing feeling because I always had a hard time having girl friends, and you're just everything to me.”

The actress went on to share a letter she wrote to her younger self that highlighted some of life's greatest takeaways.

“Dear Little Syd,” she began the letter. “You would not believe what we are doing right now. So I need to thank you. Thank you for never giving up or accepting the answer no. You never let others discourage you from dreaming and believing in yourself. Even when it felt like no one believed in you. During this journey there’s three lessons I wish we would’ve learned earlier on, that I want to share with you now.

“Lesson one: Never forget the importance of kindness and forgiveness — to yourself and others,” she said. “I know you were scared when you left your small town, because usually people don’t leave. Not everyone will understand where you are going, or where you came from. Some people may be unaccepting and at times cruel, and every step of the way they will try to make you fearful of your dreams. But turn that negativity and pain into motivation. Be kind to yourself as you grow and allow forgiveness as you fail.”

“Lesson two: Live in the now,” she added. “Mom always said to jump rope while you can, and we always thought it was because our boobs were going to get in the way, which they did, but it’s so much more than that. You love the chase, and you’re always looking towards the next thing, hungry for more. But slow down, and take it all in. Because you’ve worked so hard, and what’s the point if you don’t take those moments to enjoy the journey? I mean, this industry is nuts.

“Lesson three: Fall in love with as many things as possible,” she continued. “Fall in love with art, music, travel, cars, sports, education, others, and yourself. Keep your heart open and curiosity alive. Always look for new possibilities to discover, don’t limit the bandwidth of love. And always share it. 'Cause this world needs more love in it.”

Sweeney concluded her speech by acknowledging that she, like everyone else, is a work in progress.

“I’m still learning today, and I’m going to be still learning tomorrow,” she said. “And that’s okay, because no one has it all figured out. And you’re going to be asked who you want to be when you grow up, and I really hope you’re proud of who we are now.”

The White Lotus star has spoken in the past about coming of age in Hollywood and how she's struggled her whole life to be taken seriously.

"I was highly sexualized in high school because I had boobs," she told Elle for its Women in Hollywood issue. "It's kind of funny: What was being said about Cassie in Euphoria, the public then decided to do to me in real life. Which I thought was so crazy, because we were trying to show a character who was so hypersexualized, and what could have been the cause and effects for her. And they just continue to do it."

Sweeney also acknowledged that the experience drove her to prove to the world how successful she can be in the industry because of her talent — not her body.

"I wasn't going to allow myself to quit, and allow people to tell me that I’m not good enough or I wasn’t going to make it," she told Elle. "I was just going to keep working as hard as I possibly could to achieve my dreams."

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