Extend-a-Hand helped this single father and two girls find their way to a new home

The Bellingham Herald’s Extend-a-Hand charity appeal, now in its fifth decade, partners with Unity Care NW and Opportunity Council to help families like these:

Joshua is a single dad to Ellie, 2, and Dex, 5. It took some juggling of bills and regular trips to the food bank, but by working two jobs and with free childcare from his mother, Joshua was able to keep the lights on in the two-bedroom home he rented. Then in February, the hits started coming.

First, he lost his evening job as a janitor when the company cut back. He tried to pick up extra shifts at his restaurant job, but there weren’t many available in the struggling industry.

Then his car broke down.

Then his mother took a spill and broke her leg. While she was expected to recover, she couldn’t chase after her two rambunctious children.

Then, on top of everything else, his landlord let him know he was selling the house his children were growing up in.

When Joshua first came to Opportunity Council for help, he felt like he was fighting desperately to keep his family’s head above water while the weight of housing costs, underemployment and childcare costs pulled them farther and farther down.

Thanks to Extend-A-Hand, he found a life preserver. Thanks to community support Joshua got the help he needed to be able to take care of his family: bus passes to help him get to job interviews and services, help sprucing up his resume, and even a little help with hygiene products so he would look his best at the job interview with a local company.

With a new, higher paying job, Joshua was able to find a new and more affordable apartment that he knew Dex and Ellie would love — they’d even have their own bedrooms! Yet, even though his income was enough to pay rent, it would take months to save up for a deposit and the two months’ rent the new place required in advance.

Once again, Extend-a-Hand was there. Instead of being forced to live in their car for months to save money, Extend-a-Hand paid for the rental fees, keeping this small family from becoming homeless and setting them on the path to thrive.

How to help

We hope you’ll consider also giving to Extend-a-Hand to help local organizations make big differences in small ways for Whatcom County residents who need immediate help with housing and health care all year long.

The Herald covers administrative costs up to $50,000 in donations, so gifts directly support people assisted at Unity Care NW and the Opportunity Council. Donations are tax-deductible, and donors through Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2024, will be recognized in The Herald.

▪ You can mail donation checks to Extend-a-Hand, c/o Opportunity Council, P.O. Box 2134, Bellingham, WA 98227.

▪ Donations are also accepted online via credit card or PayPal or by credit card at www.oppco.org/extend-a-hand, or by calling Katie Rose at 360-734-5121, ext. 1332.

The following donors have contributed a total of $24,604 through Dec. 13 of this year’s campaign:

Anne Kohler; Barbara Campbell; Barry Lee and Patti Thomas; Bill and Kathy Denney; Brian and Dana Smith; Christina J. and Bradley K. Lyons; Cynthia Zaferatos; David and Peggy Kehe; Dr. Marcy G. Hipskind; Edd and Virginia Perry; Eina Ooka; Elizabeth Brown; Esther Harris, in memory Of George Hunsby; George Mustoe; Ginger Hawley; Gordon and Cheryl Terpstra; J.A. Lancaster; Jane Houser; Janet and David Stutsman; Jim and Lynne Glenovich; Joan Hawley; Julie Janyk; Karen Sloss; Laura Creekman; Linda A Cundiff; Linda Conroy; Lisa Weissler; Lise Tranberg, in memory of George Tranberg; Lori Lyddan; Maple Leaf Chapter, Order of Eastern Star; Marion Alexander and David Netboy; Mark and Joan Hottinger; Marlene Edmundson; Nick Vitaljic; Peggy and Jerry Hastings; Q and Judith Gates; Ray and Joanna Shields; Rick and Barbara Osen; Rob Johansen, in memory of Susan C. Johansen; Roger and Janie Carter; Rosalee MacDonald, in memory of Dr. Mac; Sandi Browning; Solo Electric Services; Sons Of Norway Wergeland Lodge #21; Susan Donnelly; Terry and Joeen Daughters; The Shirley Family; Thomas and Carol R. Derleth; Tim and Mary Irvin; Tom and Colleen Jerns.