Fact Check: Allegation that a Nikki Haley Campaign Staffer Was Arrested for Trying To Bribe Voters Is False

Win McNamee / Getty Images
Win McNamee / Getty Images


A Nikki Haley campaign staffer in Iowa was arrested by United States Army Criminal Investigation Division agents for attempting to bribe voters.


Rating: Labeled Satire
Rating: Labeled Satire

On Jan. 16, 2024, RealRawNews.com published an article positing that a low-level campaign staffer for 2024 presidential candidate Nikki Haley was arrested by the U.S. Army's Criminal Investigation Division for attempting to bribe voters. The article began:

White Hats Arrest Campaign Staffer for Nikki Haley in Iowa

United States Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) agents on Sunday night arrested a member of Nikki Haley’s campaign staff for offering voters $1000 prepaid debit cards in exchange for casting a ballot for her boss, a source at the CID’s headquarters told Real Raw News.

The accusation would be serious if true. It was not.

RealRawNews.com is a website dedicated to publishing news-ish articles about the war against the "Deep State," implying that the individuals in power in the United States are involved in a secretive plan to control the country. Alternatively, the website is dedicated to satirical content, as it explains on its "About Us" page.

Information on this website is for informational and educational and entertainment purposes. This website contains humor, parody, and satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice on legal counsel.

There was no evidence from other outlets that the story was real, especially considering that an accusation of that magnitude would quickly become national news. In the Iowa Republican caucuses on Jan. 15, former President Donald Trump won 51% of the vote. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis finished in a distant second with 21.2% of the vote and Haley won 19.1% of the vote.

Snopes has fact-checked many articles from RealRawNews, like claims that powerful individuals in the United States government have been arrested by military police for treason against the country or that U.S. Special Forces freed Marines who participated in the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol.

For background, here is why we sometimes write about satire/humor.


About Us | Real Raw News. https://realrawnews.com/about-us/. Accessed 16 Jan. 2024.

Baxter, Michael. White Hats Arrest Campaign Staffer for Nikki Haley in Iowa. 15 Jan. 2024, https://realrawnews.com/2024/01/white-hats-arrest-campaign-staffer-for-nikki-haley-in-iowa/.

“Iowa Caucus Results.” The New York Times, 15 Jan. 2024. NYTimes.com, https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/01/15/us/elections/results-iowa-caucus.html.

LaMagdeleine, Izz Scott. “Janet Yellen Was ‘Arrested for Treason’?” Snopes, 18 Sept. 2023, https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/janet-yellen-arrested/.

---. “No, Marines Who Participated in Jan. 6 Attack Weren’t Freed by Special Forces.” Snopes, 14 Mar. 2023, https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/marines-jan-6-attack-freed-special-forces/.