A factory line of terrors: TikTok's African content moderators complain they were treated like robots, reviewing videos of suicide and animal cruelty for less than $3 an hour.

  • As TikTok gains in popularity in the Middle East and North Africa, it's ramping up its content moderation operation in the region.

  • But reviewers for the platform complain they're watching hours of graphic videos with little psychological help.

  • "The devil of this job is that you get sick slowly," one former content moderator told Insider.

It was only a few hours into her shift when the horror streamed through her screen. Imani, 25, a content moderator for TikTok in Morocco, saw a young man throw a cat into the air before impaling it on a sword. The moderator, who worked out of a small one-bedroom house in Casablanca, was shocked.

"I love cats," she said. "I'd never imagined I'd see such a scene in real life. It's not a movie. It's not a joke. It's real," she continued.

Two years later, the video is still etched in her mind, she said. Whenever she thinks of it, she tries to distance herself from the memory. "I created a wall between my job and my life. I didn't think about my job outside my shift. I had a baby to take care of," she said.

Imani worked for TikTok's growing Middle East and North Africa division through Majorel, an outsourcing firm in Luxembourg, and was tasked with reviewing some of the most gruesome content on the platform, including suicides and child-abuse material.

Though she had a bachelor's degree in English, she struggled to find work during the first months of the pandemic. Imani and her husband, a technician, could barely support their infant daughter. In September 2020, when she was offered the job at Majorel, despite the meager pay of $2 an hour, she thought it was a godsend. The ability to work remotely also meant she could take care of her child.

Imani didn't know then that the work would be so psychologically damaging, she said, and she still feels the effects of the job today.

But she isn't alone. Nine current and former content moderators in Morocco who worked on Majorel's TikTok contract described experiences of severe psychological distress as a result of their jobs. They all said that Majorel and TikTok took few steps to mitigate the effects of their work, while imposing a workplace environment of near-constant surveillance and near-impossible metric goals.

Because of nondisclosure agreements, Imani and the other moderators asked to use pseudonyms to speak freely about their experiences. A spokesperson for TikTok told Insider that the company partners with its outsourcing firms to promote a caring environment for its employees and contractors.

Graphic content on TikTok is growing as the platform becomes more popular

"The devil of this job is that you get sick slowly — without even noticing it," said Wisam, a former content moderator who now trains others for Majorel. "You think it's not a big deal, but it does affect you."

Before TikTok, Wisam was a veteran Facebook content moderator employed through the same outsourcing firm. He said that while Facebook content moderators are exposed to more graphic videos and posts because it has a larger user base in the region, as TikTok becomes more popular, the quantity of graphic content on the platform may also accelerate. Projections by Insider Intelligence showed that TikTok is set to grow its user base in the Middle East and North Africa by more than 30% this year alone.

To prepare for the influx, ByteDance, TikTok's parent company, has substantially increased its moderation workforce in the region, both in-house and through contracts with outsourcing companies. One former Majorel advisor estimated that 1,400 content moderators work just on the firm's TikTok contract across Morocco. Wisam said they've trained over 700 new moderators since 2020.

The devil of this job is that you get sick slowly — without even noticing it.

While TikTok does use artificial intelligence to help review content, the technology is notoriously poor in non-English languages. For this reason, humans are still used to review most of the heinous videos on the platform. And their work is essential: They make sure advertisements from reputable firms like Nike don't appear alongside pornography or one-minute snuff films.

Social-media companies like Facebook and ByteDance often also rely on the same outsourcing firms located in developing countries with lax labor laws. Morocco's ready supply of highly educated but unemployed youths make it one of the fastest-growing outsourcing hubs in the world. But this contractor relationship also allows companies such as ByteDance and Meta plausible deniability when workers complain of psychological distress or other workplace issues.

If moderators winced or screamed during orientation, Wisam — knowing the lasting effects of the job — would encourage them to find other work. But they usually stayed because of the lack of other opportunities. And with its TikTok moderation demands growing so quickly, Majorel had little incentive to dissuade new recruits from joining, Wisam said.

Moderators complained their goals were impossible to meet

Samira, 23, joined Majorel in July 2020, as a part of a pilot program moderating TikTok Lives.

At first, she was tasked with reviewing 200 videos every hour while maintaining an accuracy score of 95%, she said, which was calculated by how close her tags were to those of more senior content moderators who watched the same videos. But three months into her job, her manager increased those metrics so much that she only had 10 seconds to review a video.

The new goals were impossible to meet. "Management did not consider us as humans, but rather as robots," Samira said.

While targets and goals varied between teams, six moderators told Insider that their goals were difficult to meet.

When moderators failed to reach those goals, they described being reprimanded by their managers. It also meant forgoing a $50 bonus — cash that could go a long way in a city like Casablanca, where Samira was based.

A spokesperson for Majorel told Insider these targets were guidance and not individual targets. All moderators who spoke to Insider said they felt their job performance – and security – was judged on meeting their metrics.

TikTok moderators at Majorel also received fewer breaks than their US counterparts. Moderators in the US told Insider that they received three breaks alongside an hourlong lunch break, while multiple moderators in Morocco said they received a total allocated break time of between 40 and 45 minutes in addition to their one-hour lunch break.

Several moderators also said Majorel was inconsistent in how it scheduled shifts.

"Sometimes I would start at noon, and I couldn't stop working until midnight. I'd work 12 hours straight," Imani said.

Her manager would often add or switch shifts in her schedule without informing her first, she said, which made it difficult for her to attend to her child. "That was the main reason why I left the job," she said.

Samira said this inconsistency also extended toward religious holidays. During the month of Ramadan, her shift often started at 7 p.m., when the Muslim call to prayer signaled to followers that it was time to break their 14-hour fast. "At other sites, there was consideration to give them 15 minutes or 30 minutes to break iftar, but in our case we weren't allowed to," she said. Two moderators at Majorel offices in Marrakesh said they were offered a short pause to break iftar.

A practicing Muslim, Samira found the lack of consideration offensive, but she felt powerless to do anything about it. "I didn't want to be known as the rebellious one," she said. Samira said the rules around iftar were just one example of the systemic pressure that moderators faced to work continuously.

When asked about the incident at Samira's site in Casablanca, a spokesperson for Majorel said, "All team members are allowed a short break to break their fast (iftar) during the month of Ramadan, in addition to their usual break times."

You can't look away

There are two live videos Samira still hasn't been able to shake.

In the first, a group of teenagers beat an old man with an ax, stabbing him near his heart and head. Samira said she wanted to help the man but knew she couldn't. "I felt numb," she said.

In a second live video, a man dies by suicide, using a hunting gun to shoot himself in the head. All she wanted to do was look away, but she couldn't. "His brains literally fell down his knees," she said. She wanted to look away, but couldn't. Her managers had instructed her to watch every video all the way through to ensure that they were accurately tagged for each policy violation.

"You have to look at the parts of the body to see whether there is blood, so you can tag 'gore,' whether there is mutilation, and what kind of mutilation, so you can tag the right policy," Samira said.

While Majorel told Insider that moderators have access to harm-mitigation tools, such as grayscale features, all of the moderators Insider spoke with said they didn't have access to any such feature.

After that incident, Samira began seeing an in-house wellness counselor once a month. Each time she went, the company provided her with a different counselor, and they varied in how responsive they were to her problems, she said.

His brains literally fell down his knees.

"I was allowed to talk, and that felt good," Samira said. "But I needed more, a change within the company," she added. The pressure to meet her targets was overwhelming, she said.

During her last months in the job, one counselor encouraged her to tell human resources. But Samira said she felt afraid.

A spokesperson for Majorel confirmed that moderators were sometimes assigned different counselors for each session. The company added that those moderators working in "sensitive queues," referring to those with graphic content, were also offered additional meetings with psychologists Majorel refused to specify how many additional meetings moderators receive if they work on sensitive queues.

Five other Majorel moderators also said the company's wellness counselors weren't enough to help them with the pressures of the role. Some said their monthly meetings rarely helped address the issues with a job that was so constantly traumatizing. Others feared the counselors would report their feelings to HR without their consent.

All my life in Morocco, whenever we saw someone going to a psychologist, we just said — oh, that man is crazy. That woman is losing her mind.

A Majorel spokesperson also told Insider the company partners and covers the costs for moderators to meet with psychologists with their own private practices outside of the company, but four moderators Insider was able to ask said that no such service was ever offered to them.

Social stigma also played a role in whether moderators sought counseling.

"All my life in Morocco, whenever we saw someone going to a psychologist, we just said — oh, that man is crazy. That woman is losing her mind," said Nidal, a former Majorel moderator who worked on both Facebook and TikTok. Nidal believes that Moroccan culture is slowly changing around mental health. Younger people are more open to talking about the subject, he said.

For many moderators, Majorel's wellness counselors may be the only therapists they ever get to see, but the trauma rarely ceases after they quit. A dearth of mental-health resources in the country means they also face obstacles when trying to receive care after they leave the company.

Dr. Jihad Bnimoussa, a psychologist and the CEO of InspireCorp, a mental-health tech startup in Morocco, said most psychologists have a long waiting list of prospective clients. The average therapist costs $30 a session. While that's less expensive compared to the prices at European and American practices, it's prohibitively expensive for an average outsourcing employee who makes $500 a month. Samira said a single session would cost her the equivalent of 18 hours of work.

Nidal said he was able to find help by asking a university acquaintance, now a trained clinical psychologist, if she would see him for free.

Samira, on the other hand, didn't seek treatment after leaving Majorel, citing the long wait times, prohibitive costs, and fear that her practitioner may not be equipped to handle the trauma from content moderation.

Moderators feared speaking out against Majorel

Multiple moderators said they feared speaking out against Majorel, even after leaving. The company's culture is highly secretive, and moderators are intimidated from speaking openly about their working conditions or their clients, they said.

The company also has close political connections in Morocco. While based in Europe, the Majorel is partly owned by an investment firm founded by one of Africa's richest men, Moulay Hafid Elalamy, Morocco's former minister of industry and trade and a royal advisor to the country's authoritarian monarch.

Outsourcing has also been the backbone of the country's economic modernization. Last year, the sector made $1.3 billion for the country.

Abdellatif El-Hamamouchi, a Moroccan political-science researcher and member of the Central Office of the Moroccan Association for Human Rights, told Insider that these political ties and economic incentives make it difficult for moderators to speak out against workplace violations. If they tried to take the company to court, like in a recent case by a Facebook content moderator in Kenya, it would likely fail, considering that the country's judiciary overwhelmingly favors the wealthy and politically connected.

Cori Crider, a director of Foxglove Legal who is helping in the case of Daniel Motaung, a Facebook moderator suing the company in Kenya, said moderators may have a better chance by taking the case to France, where Majorel is also registered and corporate-vigilance and workplace-safety laws are more favorable.


Since leaving Majorel almost a year ago, Samira has started the process of recovering from the job. After she quit, she took six months off to recover and grieve the death of a family member. She also moved west to the coastal city of Agadir, where she works as a middle- and high-school English teacher, making twice what she earned as a content moderator.

While she hasn't worked in content moderation for months, Samira said she still felt the lingering effects of the work.

"I lost my desire to have children. I felt disgusted, and I felt scared that one day my child or my sister or my nephew might be watching that sort of thing," she said.

But a second, more positive change has also occurred. "I have higher standards for an employer now," she said.

Samira wants to teach for a while. She said that in the classroom, she's drawn on her past to instruct her students. She tells them: "There is always a way to go back if things get out of control. But you have to hold on to your principles and who you are."

As she settles into a quieter, more tranquil life by the sea, she's also started to inquire about therapists in the area. The time and cost no longer seem as daunting.  

If you or someone you know is experiencing depression or has had thoughts of harming themself or taking their own life, get help. Call Sourire de Reda (Befrienders Casablanca), Morocco's suicide hotline, at +212 (5) 22 87 47 40 (landline) or +212 (6) 62 58 95 70 (mobile) on weekdays between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. for support in French or Arabic.

Read the original article on Business Insider