First direct flight between Toronto and Brandon, Man. takes off Tuesday night

First direct flight between Toronto and Brandon, Man. takes off Tuesday night

The first direct flight between Toronto's Pearson International Airport and Brandon's airport lands in the Wheat City late this evening.

WestJet announced the new link in February and said it would try out the route four times weekly for the summer months. New direct flights between Vancouver and both London, Ont. and Hamilton, Ont. were announced at the same time.

Previously, travellers from Brandon wanting to fly east first had to make the two-hour trip by vehicle to Winnipeg's airport.

WestJet started flying a route between Brandon and Calgary in 2013.

The first flight to leave Brandon direct for Toronto departs early Wednesday morning.

WestJet plans to fly the route until Sept. 5, 2016 but said it could extend it beyond that date if there is demand.

WestJet plans to use Boeing 737 jets for the route. The models, the 737-600 and the 737-700, seat between 113 and 130 passengers, according to the airline.