Fort Worth considers more property tax breaks for seniors and persons with disabilities

For the second year in a row, the Fort Worth City Council is considering changes to its property tax exemption for seniors and people with disabilities.

Fort Worth allows people in those groups to take $60,000 off the appraised value of their houses for tax purposes, but the City Council is considering increasing the amount to $80,000. The additional exemption is expected to cost the city $940,609.

This change could lead to some homeowners getting up to $134.50 knocked off their city property tax bill, although the majority will get less than that or no relief at all.

That’s because Fort Worth caps homeowners’ property tax bills at the amount they paid the year they qualified for the over 65 or disabled persons exemption.

For example, if a home owner paid $1,000 in city property taxes the year they turned 65, they would never pay more than that for the rest of their lives.

With rising home values, most won’t see a tax bill lower than their capped amount.

Roughly 25% of property owners with an over 65 or disabled persons exemption will get a lower tax bill from the increased exemption, according to city data.

The biggest beneficiaries will go to homeowners who qualified for the over 65 exemption this year. The extra $20,000 will lower their city tax bill and lock that lower number in place.

The City Council is expected to vote on the measure along with a plan to offer tax breaks to child care centers at its May 14 meeting.