Four Counties bus an option for East Kent residents

Residents of East Kent who need transportation to medical appointments, community programs, or shopping excursions have Four Counties Transit as an option.

The transportation company offers a wheelchair-accessible bus to residents who can book a ride in advance by phone or on the Four Counties Transit website.

The Municipality of Chatham-Kent subsidizes the West Elgin company, which provides affordable door-to-door service to East Kent residents to destinations in West Elgin, Southwest Middlesex, Newbury, and elsewhere in Ward 3.

Four Counties Health Services in Newbury is the most common destination for local riders for medical appointments and hospital visits.

Transit service is available Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The cost is $8 for a one-way trip and $16 for a round trip, as the bus will pick up passengers at their residences and transport them to their destination.

Transportation can be provided outside of the service area and after hours, depending on availability, for additional cost.

Residents can book special trips outside the service area during regular hours for $50 per hour and $1.50 per kilometre.

The cost for after-hour special trips is $70 per trip plus $1.50 per kilometre.

Four Counties Transit said to ensure service; rides should be booked at least 24 hours in advance by calling 519-693-8604 or toll-free at 1-800-724-3401.

The service in East Kent began in 2019, as close to 300 rides were booked in East Kent. That number, however, has fallen annually to between 50-75 from 2020-23. Ridership data from Four Counties Transit reports less than 25 bookings so far in 2024.

For information on personal eligibility and bookings, visit

Michael Bennett, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, The Ridgetown Independent News