CCTV footage of Gaynor Lord’s last-known movements released

New CCTV footage of Gaynor Lord's last-known movements is released
Gaynor Lord wears a long, olive-coloured coat as she walks away from Norwich city centre in newly-released CCTV footage

Police have released the last-known CCTV footage of missing mother-of-three Gaynor Lord, who disappeared almost a week ago in Norwich.

The 55-year-old was captured on camera walking up St Augustines Street at 4.01pm on Friday Dec 8.

Wearing a long, olive-coloured coat she looks briefly towards a shop window and passes other pedestrians as she makes her way away from the city centre.

Her coat was later discovered in the river in Wensum Park and a number of other personal belongings including her rings, glasses and phone were discovered by the river bank.

Earlier it emerged that Ms Lord had told a colleague that she was feeling “a bit funny and a bit off” before she disappeared.

Police said they were continuing underwater searches in the area but stressed that the operation was extremely challenging and would take time.

Ch Supt Dave Buckley said: “We have been speaking to the dive team on site and visibility in the River Wensum is between zero and one foot underwater with temperatures as low as four degrees C.

“As soon as you reach one foot in front of you, visibility goes and then there’s obviously leaves, branches, debris, and the flow of the river to contend with, which is the biggest problem because there’s been so much rainfall.

“They’re swimming against the flow of the river, which is very difficult, and searching with next to zero visibility, and in a systematic manner. It’s very time consuming because it’s a large area to search and we must make sure we covered every feasible inch of water.”

A police diver searches the river close to where Ms Lord was seen doing a yoga pose
A police diver searches the river close to where Ms Lord was seen doing a yoga pose

Ch Supt Buckley added: “We’ve received 15 calls so far in response to our appeal yesterday and we’re grateful for the public’s help. While this information is still being assessed, currently there is nothing of significance that changes our approach.

“This remains a missing person investigation and every effort continues to find Gaynor, including tracing her final movements in the city centre.”

A spokesman for Norfolk Constabulary confirmed that Ms Lord was treated as a high-risk missing person from the outset of the investigation.

The mother-of-three vanished after leaving the Jarrolds department store in Norwich city centre where she worked at a Bullards Gin stand, on Friday afternoon.

Police are appealing to anyone who may have seen Gaynor or have dashcam or doorbell footage of her before she went missing
Police are appealing to anyone who may have seen Gaynor or have dashcam or doorbell footage of her before she went missing

She made her way towards Norwich Cathedral and was spotted in the grounds at around 3.20pm.

Ch Supt Buckley said there was nothing to suggest she was rushing to meet someone at the cathedral, but they had established she “went into the cathedral grounds”.

One member of cathedral staff, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said: “We think she came in to use the toilets. She didn’t come into the cafe, as far as we know.”

It is believed she remained on cathedral grounds for about 34 minutes before emerging to put on her coat and leaving through one of the historic gates.

She was later seen performing yoga at nearby Wensum Park, according to a witness.

Rosie Richards said she saw a woman matching Ms Lord’s description placing her coat on the ground and stretching.

The missing mother of three was said to be “quite calm” but Ms Richards claimed something “seemed a bit off”.

Speaking to ITV’s Good Morning Britain, Ms Richards said: “To me she seemed quite calm. She was sort of putting her coat down on the floor and sort of performing a yoga pose. It just seemed a bit off at this time because obviously it was starting to get dark.”

She added: “It’s really upsetting. I’m thinking of her friends and family because she is a similar age to my mum and that would be awful to be going through what they are going through now.”

Susan Sinclair, Ms Lord’s sister in law, said her husband, Clive was desperately hoping his wife would be found safe and well.

She said: “Clive is in bits, obviously, but he’s got his two daughters there supporting him. Our other brother Simon, like me, is just hoping for good news. We’re all just very shocked. There’s nothing we can do at the moment except hope that she’s found safe and well.”

A friend of Ms Lord said she received two calls from her on Friday afternoon, after she was last seen on camera.

Julie Butcher told the BBC that she briefly spoke with Ms Lord at 2.15pm, then answered a second call two hours later.

She said it “sounded like a pocket call” and she could hear movement in Ms Lord’s pocket.

Meanwhile, a salesman who rents a store close to where Ms Lord worked told the Telegraph: “She’s a really nice woman. She said something about feeling a bit funny. It was very nonchalant. She said she was feeling a bit funny, a bit off.

“It was a brief conversation on either Thursday or Friday before she went missing.

“I asked how she was doing today. She said she was feeling a bit funny, a bit off. That was all I got from her. ‘I’m feeling a bit funny today’, that was it.”

A Jarrolds’ floor manager, who did not want to be named, said she did not tell colleagues why she left work at 2.45pm, when her shift was due to end at 4pm.

“The CCTV footage shows she was in a hurry. The whole situation is very odd. She is a perfectly lovely and normal person in every way. There was nothing to suggest at all that something like this would happen. She has no mental health issues that I was aware of. She didn’t show any signs of distress or concern.”

Ch Supt Buckley said officers had “some indications” of why missing Ms Lord left the department store early, adding: “what we’re doing is we’re just working backwards now to actually truly understand what may have taken place”.

“We’re just cautious of everything we know at the moment because clearly we’ve ended up in the situation we have which is not usual,” he said.

“I don’t think any of the conversations we’ve had are completely informing us as to why her state of mind ended up being what it was.”

Data on phone ‘potentially crucial’

Asked if officers were considering anything about her medical history, he said: “We would always consider it but there’s nothing that changes our approach at the moment.”

He said data on her phone was “potentially crucial” and still being analysed.

Friends of Ms Lord say she would have been familiar with the area in Norwich she went missing in as it was one of her favourite dog walking spots.

Simon Valentine, the welfare officer at Stanmore Tennis Club in Thorpe Saint Andrew where Ms Lord is an active member, said her disappearance was “out of character”.

According to Mr Valentine, Ms Lord regularly attended Wednesday morning sessions until very recently and was well-loved and widely known at the club.

“She is a lovely lady,” he said, adding: “We all got on with her.”

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