Gen Z, We Want To Know Who You're Voting For In 2024 And Why

Hello, everyone! We're back for round five of BuzzFeed's 2024 Election Diaries!

This bi-weekly series highlights different groups of voters nationwide to find out what political issues are most important to them AND who they plan to support for president in 2024.

This week, we're highlighting the voices of Generation Z (voters ages 18–27). Forty-one million Gen Z'ers will be eligible to vote in the upcoming presidential election. So, if you're a member of Gen Z, we want to know what political issues are most important to you in 2024.

Maitreyi Ramakrishnan sits on a couch, wearing a short-sleeved shirt under green overalls. She appears to be in conversation, leaning slightly forward

Maybe, as a Gen Z'er, you grew up practicing active shooter drills in school, so gun violence is your top priority this election season.

A group of people, mainly young women including a girl holding a sign that reads "We Demand Safety," are participating in a protest
Scott Olsen / Getty Images

Maybe you're a recent college graduate, and your #1 issue is student debt relief.

A woman sits on steps, smiling while using a laptop, with a backpack beside her. She wears a casual outfit of ripped jeans, sneakers, and a T-shirt
Westend61 / Getty Images

Or maybe you're seeing summer temperatures break records every year, so climate change is your top priority.

People holding signs advocating for environmental change with phrases like "Save our future," "Love our Earth," "We need a change," and "We don't have time"
Leo Patrizi / Getty Images

Gen Z — whatever your top political issues are, we want to hear about them! Tell us everything via this anonymous Google form.

If you are reading this and you're not a Gen Z voter, don't worry! New groups of voters will be requested bi-weekly! Also, if you don't qualify for this round but know someone who does, please send it their way!