'Genital Match Making' Service Offers Necessary Penis Enlargement and Vaginal Tightening Procedures to Make Private Parts 'Well-Fitting' For Better Sex Life!

Gone are the days when you had matchmaking services for just people, now there you can also have genitals paired right with your partners. Yes, the latest cosmetic surgery trend sees ‘Perfect Fit’ procedure for penis and vagina designed to improve their sex lives. They claim that this will increase friction and make sex lives more orgasmic. Dr Lucy Glancey, from the UK, said to Brinkwire that the lockdown has seen a "flurry of couples signing up for the genital matchmaking service."

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The idea of this service is to offer necessary Penis Enlargement and Vaginal Tightening/Rejuvenation procedures to people's private parts more "well-fitting" for better sex life. People who opt for consultation get a measure and match up and are accordingly offered penis enlargement and vaginal rejuvenation or tightening procedures. The aim of these procedures is to make them a "perfect fit".

Dr Glancey explained that the "friction introduced by 'well-fitting' genitals is proven to improve sexual pleasure, with orgasm 'ultimately depending on the degree of friction produced during intercourse' for both partners". She further says "This is one of the reasons why men who frequently masturbate find it difficult to climax during intercourse with a woman because they are used to producing a 'perfect fit' of their hand, which fits like a glove over their penis compared to being with a female partner."

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She further said to Brinkwire that, "Even if the woman is not so happy about her appearance if she knows that she is making her husband happy in bed she is more confident. The things we can do for the female patient is a combination of a nonsurgical vaginal tightening and surgical labioplasty". She also said, "This gives a ‘tidy ‘a look on the outside plus stops the protruding labia getting in the way as well as improvement of vaginal laxity so they can experience more enjoyment from intercourse as well as their partner too."