GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger compared Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's Christian nationalism comments to the 'American Taliban'

  • Rep. Adam Kinzinger likened Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's Christian nationalism comments to the "American Taliban."

  • Greene has called on the Republican party to embrace the ideology of Christian nationalism.

  • Kinzinger's comments come amid a rise of Christian nationalism among the far-right.

Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger compared Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's advocacy of Christian nationalism to the "American Taliban."

In a tweet on Friday, Kinzinger likened Greene's statements that the GOP needs to be the "party of Christian Nationalism" to the Taliban claiming to be "the party of Islamic nationalism."

"I oppose the American Taliban," the Illinois congressman wrote, referring to the Islamic militant group.


Kinzinger's comments come amid a rise of Christian nationalism among the far-right, and several GOP politicians making remarks suggesting their support of it.

Georgia Rep. Greene has repeatedly called on the Republican party to embrace the ideology of "Christian nationalism."

Former President Donald Trump has also spoken about Christianity in less overt terms, recently stating that "Americans kneel to God, and God alone."

Christian nationalism is defined as "the belief that the American nation is defined by Christianity, and that the government should take active steps to keep it that way," according to Christianity Today.

Last month Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert made controversial comments denouncing the separation of church and state, and said the church should "direct the government."

Kinzinger, from Illinois, who has been a vocal critic of Trump and his allies, at the time similarly criticized his Republican colleague.

"There is no difference between this and the Taliban. We must opposed [sic] the Christian Taliban. I say this as a Christian," Kinzinger tweeted.

Kinzinger, along with Rep. Liz Cheney, is one of only two Republicans serving on the House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot.

A representative for Rep. Greene told Insider: "As a policy, our office ignores Kinzinger's desperate attempts at relevancy."

A representative for Rep. Kinzinger did not immediately respond to Insider's requests for comment.

Editor's note: This article has been updated to include a comment from the office of Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene.

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