If Gov. Gavin Newsom values science, then he should value his scientists | Opinion

Enough is enough

Sac Supervisors have failed to produce a climate action plan,” (sacbee.com, Dec. 3)

It is infuriating to learn that a plan that was supposed to be set into motion 12 years ago has still not been completed. When is enough enough? When are we going to look at the devastation our state has faced because of the climate crisis and decide that something needs to be done?

We knew something needed to be done 12 years ago, and we still know something needs to be done. Now, the California Legislature needs to adopt a statewide climate action plan and set it in motion immediately.

Mckinley King


No more roadway widening

Sacramento County to add traffic lanes South Watt Avenue,” (sacbee.com, Nov. 27)

How is it possible that the County of Sacramento can get away with using funds designated for “active transportation” to widen a roadway to four lanes for motor vehicle traffic? Yes, the county will be adding seven miles of bike lanes and sidewalks, and that’s terrific. But so much more is needed to make Sacramento bicycle- and pedestrian-friendly. How many more miles of safe bike lanes and sidewalks could have been built with this $37 million if most of it weren’t going to be used to widen three miles of South Watt?

We don’t need more roadway widening. We need a complete network of safe bicycle and pedestrian ways for daily trips. This is critical if we want to reduce climate change emissions from transportation.

Anne Geraghty

Former Executive Director, WALKSacramento


Valuable scientists

‘Deep disappointment’: Global climate envoy Newsom is alienating environmentalists at home,” (sacbee.com, Dec. 1)

Water advocates are “acutely concerned” about Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Bay-Delta Watershed and Sacramento Valley water plans. I can relate. As president of the California Association of Professional Scientists (CAPS), I represent 4,300 frontline workers — many of whom shape and enforce state water policies — who worry that their inequitable salaries are hollowing out the state’s scientific corps with predictably terrible results for everyone.

After bargaining for three years without a contract, CAPS recently went on strike, a first in the 46 years since state law gave employees gained collective bargaining.

Newsom touts the value of science-based environmental policies, but he forced us to make unfortunate history. Programs protecting water, air, public health and agriculture have become training courses for scientists who, on average, leave within five years of joining the state for other public- and private-sector jobs.

If the governor values science, then he should value his scientists.

Jacqueline Tkac


Kiley is the problem

Kevin Kiley rips Gavin Newsom in unusual floor speech,” (sacbee.com, Dec. 5)

Kevin Kiley’s views are mainstream in the Republican Party. He voted for a speaker that wishes to take away a woman’s right to choose their own health care. Just like the rest of the Republican Party, Kiley complains and attacks but does not govern or solve.

The problem, ironically, is not Gov. Gavin Newsom, but Kiley. When the Republican Party, of which I was a member for decades, became a cult, we got Kiley. I hope that in the next election my fellow voters realize it is 2024 and not 1950, and choose another representative who will take us into the future.

Raymond Jessen


Sacramento pride

Tower Theatre 85th anniversary attracts packed house, testimonials of unique Sacramento history,” (sacbee.com, Dec. 3)

The recent 85th anniversary celebration of Tower Theatre was an event that captivated a packed house and showcased the unique history of Sacramento. The testimonials shared during the celebration unveiled the rich tapestry of our city’s cultural heritage.

Sacramento deserves to bask in the glory of its unique history, and the Tower Theatre’s 85th anniversary serves as a beacon of our cultural pride.

Amandeep Sidhu


Public service journalism

Can CA police ask to see my phone if I get pulled over?” (sacbee.com, Nov. 13)

Kudos to reporter Angela Rodriguez for her recent articles clarifying driving laws and individual rights under the law. I found this specific article to be especially beneficial.

As a retired criminal defense investigator, I know how intimidating a traffic stop or police encounter can be and how easily the police can get a citizen to comply and unknowingly waive their rights. They’re actually trained to do this. Citizens shouldn’t have to defend their rights if law enforcement respects them.

Thank you for the articles, and I look forward to more as they are a benefit to our community.

Rick von Geldern


Rings hollow

With the expulsion of Santos and ouster of McCarthy, the House is making unexpected history,” (sacbee.com, Dec. 2)

I am saddened by the expulsion of George Santos for a couple of reasons: First, that such a clownish falsifier made it that far, that long, in our system. Second, and more significantly, that those who expelled him continue to condone and hail as presumptive leader a far more treacherous man, one whose lies and deceit actually endanger lives and threaten the foundations of democracy.

It’s a hollow act, from individuals with hollow integrity.

Larry Ebert

San Francisco