Grande Prairie Pow Wow requests $60,000 from city

A request for $60,000 from the city for the Grande Prairie Pow Wow event later this month has been denied.

Instead, council opted to provide a gift-in-kind for rental of Bonnetts Energy Centre and its guest services, valued at $22,000.

Rising costs and low sponsorships were among the reasons for the ask.

“​​Despite our best efforts, which include emails, calls and visits to potential sponsors, introducing new fundraising efforts and new vendor types, we are experiencing a shortfall in our event budget,” said Bobbi Jo Matheson, pow wow organizer.

“We are requesting $60,000 in assistance to help us ensure this important community event takes place and is properly equipped and representative of our vision.”

“Spectators can bask in the joyful reclamation of historical practices; feel the palpable pride of Indigenous dancers, drummers and singers as they embody the essence of what a pow wow is.

“Pow wows are a non-intrusive way to begin experiencing and learning these traditions that date back thousands of years.”

Last year, the Pow Wow received about $66,000 from the city. Council allocated funds to the event and a gift-in-kind of $8,400 for renting the Bonnetts Energy Centre.

The pow wow didn’t apply for the grants because it doesn't have non-profit status, which pow wow co-chair Wendy Goulet says they are working on achieving.

She said once the pow wow is registered as a non-profit, it can begin applying for more grants, including provincial and federal.

The pow wow is a free event open to the public, and Goulet says it's important as it offers an opportunity for the public to gain an understanding and appreciation of Indigenous culture.

“It helps bridge cultural gaps, reduces misconceptions, and fosters respect for our rich heritage,” said Goulet.

The event will also highlight the 125th anniversary of the signing of Treaty 8 and educate attendees on its history.

The Grande Prairie Pow Wow will be from June 21 to 23 and will include an indigenous market, food, and a hand games tournament.

The Grande Prairie Friendship Centre will host its second annual National Indigenous Peoples Day parade on June 21. The parade will end at Bonnetts Energy Centre, where people can attend the pow wow.

Jesse Boily, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Town & Country News