Guinness World Record attempt

Guinness World Record attempt

Video Transcript

- Can you please introduce yourself?

- Yeah, my name is Mike Marcotte. I'm an official adjudicator with Guinness World Records.

- Awesome, so what's happening here, Mike?

- This is an official Guinness World Record attempt for the largest gathering of people dressed as the sun. The current record is 287. It's an existing Guinness World Records title, and it was set by China Life Insurance Company Limited, Guangdong Branch, in China. That was back in December, 2020, and here in Niagara Falls, Ontario, we're trying to beat that today with this group of people right behind me. They've already gathered here this morning. Registration doesn't start for another 45 minutes, but they're eager to get down to the falls.

- Amazing. So the 2020 record, was that also during around the solar eclipse of some sort or--

- That was in December of 2020. So it was actually during COVID, so rather impressive that they got a group together during that era.

- Wow, so how many people are you expecting to turn out today?

- They actually filled up the boat. So it's at capacity. They have about 400 people registered. The goal is to get at least 288 people to break the existing record of 287.

- What do you think-- what are the chances today? Are they going to do it?

- I feel very confident. There's a lot of buzz here in Niagara Falls for the solar eclipse today total. Totality, right? The path of totality is coming right through Niagara Falls, Ontario. So I really feel confident. A lot of people are very eager to be out here. Registration hasn't even opened yet, and people are already out here.

- Wow, how about the eclipse? Is this your first one or are you eclipse--

- This is my first totality-- path of totality for the solar eclipse. I've seen partial totality and whatever with the solar eclipse, but this is a very exciting event for myself personally today.

- I think it might be an overcast day given the weather conditions. What are you hoping for?

- I'm hoping for something. You're still going to be able to see something, even if there's clouds here in Niagara Falls, but I'm really excited. I know all these people behind me are as well.

- Awesome, thanks a lot, Mike.

- You're very--