Head of elite Tacoma school resigned amid scandal. What’s next for Charles Wright?

Charles Wright Academy is going through big changes.

Head of School Susan Rice announced her resignation last month amid claims of rampant teacher turnover and toxic leadership, The News Tribune previously reported. She had led the school since July 1, 2020.

A number of recent online reviews about the academy claimed that its quality and reputation had deteriorated during Rice’s tenure. Now, with her resignation set to take effect Aug. 1, the search for a new head of school is in progress.

The News Tribune had questions about the search for an interim and permanent replacement, including whether parents will be involved in the decision-making process. The newspaper left a voicemail at the school and sent written requests for comment to the academy’s admissions and general email addresses, as well as to each member of the board of trustees.

No one replied.

Absent direct communication with the academy, 7723 Chambers Creek Road W., The News Tribune obtained two mass emails from the board that address some of the paper’s queries.

A June 21 email sent to the “CWA Community” began by referencing the administrative shake-up.

“While we know news of a change in senior leadership may be unsettling, we also know that in times of change there is opportunity,” trustees wrote in the message. “We hope that our community will come together to continue the growth and tradition of excellence at CWA.”

Charles Wright Academy, on Monday, June 10, 2024, in Tacoma, Wash.
Charles Wright Academy, on Monday, June 10, 2024, in Tacoma, Wash.

What’s next for Charles Wright Academy?

Since news broke of Rice’s intention to resign, trustees have “been active” in planning out the academy’s next moves, according to the June 21 email. The board has launched a pair of committees: the Search Committee (composed of stakeholders including faculty, parents, staff, trustees and alumni) and the Family, Faculty and Staff Engagement Committee.

Charles Wright Academy is opting to install an interim leader for at least the next school year.

The board wrote in the June 21 email that it’s using a firm to help find that replacement. After the role has been filled, the search for a permanent leader will begin.

In another message sent to the CWA community Friday, June 28, the board offered reassurances that the hunt for an interim head “is well underway.” More than two dozen candidates have applied, according to that message.

Trustees hope to invite the top contenders to campus soon, and to name the new interim head by the end of this month.

“Members of the CWA community will be involved in this process,” trustees wrote in the June 28 email. “Stay tuned.”

The board will ask for community feedback during a series of listening sessions, according to that email. An outside facilitator skilled in conflict resolution and “community building” will be brought in to assist.

A selection for the facilitator role is expected to be made sometime this week.

“The feedback we receive in these listening sessions will help us formulate family and faculty surveys, and feedback from both will help guide us in our search for a permanent Head of School,” per the June 28 email. “We will have a lot more information to share about this soon.”