Hidden cash scavenger hunt hits Calgary

Hidden cash. Twitter/@Bubba2069 photo

Short on cash this weekend in Calgary? The solution could be just a few tweets away, as the hidden cash scavenger hunt that began a week ago in San Francisco hits the city this weekend.

Two anonymous Twitter accounts — @HiddenCashYYC and @HiddenCashAB — started tweeting Friday and inviting Calgarians to play along with them as they tweeted out clues to find envelopes full of money hidden under benches, behind porta-potties and beneath water fountains — and those are just the locations where they've been found so far.

"When I first head about [the hunt in San Francisco] I thought the idea was fantastic, so I thought 'Why not bring it to Calgary?'" said the user behind @HiddenCashYYC in an email to CBC News. "In my opinion, even the smallest good deed goes a long way, so I thought this would be a great way to get some positive vibes flowing in the city of Calgary."

Other Canadian cities have also seen the movement spring up in recent days.

In Vancouver, the hunt began on May 28 while in Toronto, a local businessman spearheaded the local scavenger hunt.

Paying it forward has been a key component of each exercise, with the anonymous donors urging people to do something good for others.

"Somethings we forget that we are in this world together and we are only as strong as our weakest link. Hopefully this kickstarts the 'pay it forward' movement in Calgary.'"