'What a complete and utter embarrassment Hockey Canada is’: Canadians, PM, sponsors react to sports scandal

'What a complete and utter embarrassment Hockey Canada is’: Canadians, PM, sponsors react to sports scandal


Hockey Canada continues to face scrutiny following allegations of mishandling sexual assault and sexual abuse claims.

Hockey Canada has completely lost the confidence of Canadians and the longer it takes to realize that, the more difficult it's going to be, not just for them, which is fine, but for kids in hockey, for juniors, for people who rely on that organization to play the sport they love. It is inconceivable that folks at Hockey Canada continue to dig in."Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

"It’s not like there’s something extraordinarily special about the people at Hockey Canada that means they are the only people in the country that can run an organization like this. There’s lots of people who could run it and unfortunately, the total loss of faith in that organization by everyone means that it's nonsensical that they be digging in their heels on this one... They need to realize that if we have to create an organization, get rid of Hockey Canada and create an organization called Canada Hockey instead, people will look at doing that."

Hockey Canada partnerships with core organizations are also deteriorating, including with Canadian Tire Corp., Telus Corp., Scotiabank, Tim Hortons and Chevrolet Canada.

This past summer, news broke that Hockey Canada’s National Equity Fund was used to cover sexual assault and abuse settlements.

People continue to take to social media to comment on the development of this Hockey Canada scandal.