Isabel Allende’s new novel is much-needed reminder of Trump’s cruelty to migrant kids | Opinion

Chilean-born writer Isabel Allende, the most widely-read Spanish-language female writer in the world, deserves applause for bringing back to our attention an act of national cruelty that has vanished from the headlines in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine: the separation of migrant babies from their parents during the Trump administration.

Allende’s new novel, “The Wind Knows My Name,” tells the story of Anita, a 7-year-old blind girl who is taken by her mother to the United States to escape from El Salvador’s gang violence, but is separated from her at the border under President Donald Trump’s 2018 “zero-tolerance” policy against unauthorized border crossers.

In the novel, the girl — by chance — enters the life of Samuel, an 86-year-old Jewish immigrant from Austria. Much like Anita, he had been separated from his parents after the Kristallnacht pogrom against the Jews in Vienna in 1938, when he was sent abroad alone to save him from Nazi persecution.

The plot seems like ancient history in the wake of more recent events that have shaken the world, but the Trump administration’s forceful separation of an estimated 4,000 immigrant children from their parents at the U.S. border remains an ongoing human drama, because many of these children have never been reunited with their parents.

Nearly 1,000 of the migrant children who were separated from their families at the border had not been reunited with their parents by February, according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS.) Many of them are in a legal limbo, and the U.S. government has not been able to locate their parents.

Allende, 80, who lives in California, told me in an extended interview last week that while her novel is fictional, the character of Anita is based on an existing person.

“Anita’s case exists in real life,” Allende told me. “This little girl arrived in the country with her mother and a little brother who was 4 years old. They were separated at the border, both from their mother and from each other, for eight months.”

In Anita’s case, the three were located thanks to the admirable work of social workers and a volunteer lawyer. The three were deported to Mexico, and “we never heard from them again,” Allende said.

But in hundreds of other cases, the children “remain floating in the legal system” and neither the U.S. government nor charitable organizations are able to find their parents. Some of these children end up in the hands of human traffickers, she told me.

“There have been press reports of these children being trafficked for work,” Allende told me. “You find 12-year-olds who are working in poultry factories or in agriculture, or 10-year-olds who are picking tomatoes.”

The Biden administration in February announced a plan to crack down on migrant child labor, saying that it will target companies and factories that have child labor in their supply chains. Hundreds of thousands of undocumented children have reportedly worked with phony immigration papers in recent years, including some of those who were separated by their families.

In my conversation with Allende, she noted that much of the world seems to have forgotten about the Trump administration’s inhumane family separation policy, and wondered whether racism is a part of this.

At this very moment, Ukrainian refugees are being welcomed with open arms in the United States and Europe. “They are white,” Allende noted. “We [Latin Americans] are colored,” she added, suggesting that if the migrants at the U.S. border were white, it may be a different story.

But Allende, whose books have sold more than 77 million copies and have been translated into more than 40 languages, told me that her latest novel also has an upbeat message. It is a tribute to the thousands of attorneys, social workers and teachers who donate their time to help migrant children, she said.

“The vast majority of them are women, who are not going for fame nor glory nor money. They do it from their hearts,” Allende told me. “Like in many other of my books, this one is not focused on the victims, but on the solidarity. On people who do good.”

Bravo for Allende for reminding us of the ongoing human drama of the migrant children who were separated from their parents at the border. And shame on Trump, Florida Gov. Ron De Santis and other Republican politicians who instead of trying to find civilized ways of solving the migration problem — such as supporting a comprehensive immigration reform that both secures the border and improves the legal migration system — are demonizing immigrants to win votes.

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