Josephine Street businesses encouraged to apply to Community Improvement Fund

WINGHAM - Wingham BIA Chair Dave Tiffin is reminding Josephine Street business owners that North Huron has a Community Improvement Plan (CIP) grants program and encourages building owners or tenants within the CIP project area to apply.

Grants are available for up to 50 per cent (unless noted) of the eligible improvement costs up to a maximum grant of $10,000.

Tiffin said, “The projects include front or exterior sidewall façade improvements such as repair/replacement of storefront, doors, windows, façade masonry, brickwork, architectural details, retractable awnings, canopies and fixed fabric awnings, Façade painting and cleaning treatments.”

The CIP program aims to promote revitalization and economic sustainability in the downtown areas of Wingham, Blyth, and Belgrave.

For additional information regarding the Community Improvement Plan grant programs, businesses are urged to refer to the North Huron Community Improvement Plan. This plan includes maps of the designated community improvement plan project areas and important details about the general eligibility requirements, application process, and grant payment.

All applicants are also required to arrange and participate in a pre-application consultation meeting with the municipal economic development officer prior to submitting the completed grant application form.

Anyone ready to schedule a pre-application meeting, is urged get in touch with the North Huron Economic Development Officer Ritu Bhardwaj at 519-357-3550 x130.

Cory Bilyea, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Wingham Advance Times