KC-area teacher fired after fight on video. Here’s what police, district aren’t telling

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A fight caught on video at a Raytown high school summer program has left a teacher for the school district without a job.

In a video posted by the social media account KC Discover, a student can be seen walking out of what appears to be a bathroom in Raytown South High School. The staff member then hits the student in the back of the head before slamming them to the ground, as students nearby gasp and rush to pull the staff member off the student.

The video does not show what started the altercation.

Superintendent Dr. Penelope-Martin Knox said in a statement that the incident at the school does not align with its values for students and staff, citing that as the reason the teacher was dismissed Tuesday.

“Our environments are established to be safe and orderly for students and staff alike and situations such as this will not be tolerated,” Martin-Knox said in the statement. “When matters like this arise, we take swift and appropriate action to bring resolution for all involved.”

The school district would not identify the teacher or the student involved, or explain what happened.

Raytown police responded to the incident at the school, but the teacher was released from school property before officers arrived, a Raytown police spokesperson said in an email to The Star.

Police said no arrests have been made, and the incident is under investigation. They did not indicate the status of that investigation, or whether criminal charges might follow.

In a Facebook video, LaTrice Irving, who identified herself as the victim’s mother, said while her daughter is doing alright, the situation doesn’t “seem real.”

“Right now my daughter is doing okay. Just please keep us in your prayers because, you know, the onset of things is traumatic,” Irving said in the video. “But the aftermath comes after all that sets in and she starts to realize what really happened. So just keep us in your prayers.”

Irving, though upset about the situation, said she has empathy toward the teacher.

“They made a decision that could impact their life for the rest of their life, and what if they have children? What if they have a family? I know it seems crazy, I know, but that’s me, that’s who I am,” Irving said in the video. “But I am also a parent, and I did feel anger, and all of that that goes along with it.”

Irving ended her video with a call for parents to educate their children on their rights.

“This doesn’t mean that all teachers and professionals are like this. This does not mean this at all,” Irving said. “But do educate your children so that they are aware.”

Community members jumped to the defense of the student in an Instagram post, which has over 400 comments.

“It doesn’t matter what was said,” one user wrote. “You don’t put your hands on a students.”

The school district said they couldn’t provide further information about their disciplinary measures, according to a letter sent to families.

“While we are unable to provide further details of any disciplinary actions, we can assure you that we will take any necessary measures as outlined in Board policy,” that letter read.