Kim Kardashian Shows Off Her Presents Wrapped In Skims

Kim Kardashian is wrapping her Christmas presents in Skims shirts this year, having managed to find an approach to the holidays that’s both self-promotional and (theoretically) sustainable.

“I just wanted to show you guys that I used Skims cotton fabric for my wrapping this year, and I’m gonna reuse it,” Kardashian said on Instagram Thursday, as noted by Marie Claire and New York magazine.

The tees from the Kardashian-owned brand cost $48, according to Marie Claire, but Kardashian said on Instagram that she intends to repurpose the garments.

“When everyone opens it, I’m gonna take the fabric and reuse it on stuff that I make for my family,” she said. “I thought it was a really fun, cool way to just have something that you can use over and over again.”

Kim Kardashian and her Skims-wrapped presents.
Kim Kardashian and her Skims-wrapped presents.

Kim Kardashian and her Skims-wrapped presents.

Kardashian also showed off her holiday decorations, which included dozens of indoor Christmas trees and white lights all over the trees in her yard. Fans were quick to point out the excessiveness of it all.

“This is called ‘TOO MUCH MONEY AND DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH IT,’” one Instagram commenter wrote.

Kardashian’s home is famously beige and minimalistic, with little furniture inside. Fans commented that the Christmas decorations didn’t add much. One person wrote that even with the holiday decor, the home still looks “like a hospital,” but “with lights and trees.”

“Horrible cold decoration is not warming at all,” another person wrote. “Sorry, money definitely doesn’t buy taste.”
