‘King and queen maker’: How Clyburn, running for 17th term, mightily shaped SC politics, life

It’s no secret that Congressman James Clyburn has had an immense impact on South Carolina and greater U.S. Democratic politics over the years. Political leaders across the aisle who have worked with and know the 83-year-old congressman easily portray why the Palmetto State has greatly benefited from the work he’s done.

Democratic leaders said that probably won’t change because of his recent departure from a House leadership role. Clyburn is an American political figurehead and that doesn’t change.

“Even if he leaves the role, he is still Jim Clyburn,” said Jalen Elrod, S.C. political operative. “He has built such prominent political capital across the country that he doesn’t need any official title to extend that political capital.”

During a press conference kicking off his reelection for Congress on Monday, a group of supporters and community members crowded into the Waverly-Clyburn Building Auditorium in Columbia, where the congressman went through his campaign points and the work he had been most proud of as a politician.

From community funded projects to infrastructure investments, Clyburn talked through his and President Joe Biden’s efforts for the Democratic party and greater good of South Carolina.

His accomplishments are much more from his time as congressman than just Assistant Democratic Leader, Clyburn said in an interview with The State. Although his leadership position had little to do with his district, the most impactful contribution he is most proud of is the Lake Marion water agency, formed in 1995.

“We got it established against a lot of opposition. There are people who do not speak to me to this day, because they, to them, that was a waste of government money,” Clyburn said in an interview. “We have pumped into that regional water agency $129 million to provide clean drinking water for those children in the schools along that corridor to provide water for industrial development.”

Politicos in the state emphasized that while he had tangible successes as a politician, he also brought the state into the national political light.

“South Carolina would not have been ‘First in the Nation’ if it wasn’t for Jim Clyburn,” Elrod said. “As South Carolina Democrats, our national relevancy begins and ends with Jim Clyburn. That probably won’t change because he left this position in the House but that will definitely change once he retires from Congress.”

“In terms of the state of South Carolina, he will definitely go down as one of the greatest statesman that the state has ever had,” Jaime Harrison, Democratic National Committee chairman said. “Jim Clyburn has always been able to deliver, regardless of what party is in control.”

Elrod said most people in Clyburn’s district probably don’t even know he was majority whip or in House leadership, because his political capital is not his position. Clyburn is one of the most senior Democrats in the country.

“The relevancy of South Carolina Democrats begins and ends with Jim Clyburn,” Elrod said. “If he doesn’t run in ‘26 there’s a very good chance South Carolina is not ‘First in the Nation’ primary in 2028.”

South Carolina would have a completely different landscape without Clyburn, including fewer roads, federally funded construction projects and buildings, and education funding, state Sen. Dick Harpootlian, D-Richland, said. Clyburn passed bills and ensured South Carolina was fully funded, he said.

Harpootlian cited Clyburn’s ability to engage and persuade people over the years. His political influence is clear, especially in recent elections.

“He was a very important part of the ‘08 primary,” Harpootlian said. “Of course, we know in 2020 he was the factor, in my opinion, that his endorsement got Joe Biden and made him President of the United States.”

Harrison said the impact of Clyburn’s endorsement shows he’s not a show horse, he’s a workhorse.

“He has really really been the ace in the hole for so many people in politics,” Harrison said.

His passion to get Biden reelected rings true today.

“I heard he stepped down because he wants to be in a position to be a better ally and partner in saving democracy alongside President Biden,” Antjuan Seawright, Democratic strategist said. “But also he wanted to be in a position where he could influence public policy in a different way.”

Clyburn said this was true.

“We have forces at work in this country today that are violating everything that this country stands for,” Clyburn said. “I’m convinced that if Joe Biden had not won that election, we wouldn’t recognize this country at this point, and if Joe Biden doesn’t get reelected, I’m convinced we will never have another free election in this country. And so I’ve spent hours upon hours with Joe Biden, with his staff working on what we will do in this country to make sure he wins this election and I didn’t want to have to go to meetings up in Washington.”

When he fights for issues, it’s not just for the Democratic party, Seawright said, It’s for the, greater good, not a greater good.

Gov. Henry McMaster said wherever he is, whether he is in leadership or not, Clyburn would have a strong voice. McMaster said he had the privilege of working with him over the years, even when McMaster was attorney general. He emphasized working with Clyburn on issues across the aisle was “the South Carolina way.”

“He is a strong personality deeply committed to the state,” McMaster said. “I’m confident that we will be relying on him, and I know he’s relying on us, and I don’t expect his influence to dim much, if at all.”

Seawright said Clyburn will very much still be at the “influence table,” even without his role in House leadership.

“Jim Clyburn is perhaps, or will go down as the most consequential leader, one of the most consequential leaders to ever serve this country, and certainly one of the most consequential elected officials to ever serve from the state of South Carolina. His political network and his political net worth speaks for itself.”

Clyburn said he doesn’t expect his role to look different at all.

“I’m just giving up Washington stuff. That’s all that is, going to meetings sitting around a table and giving the benefit of your experiences,” Clyburn said. “I’ll still go to those meetings, and sit around the table and give the benefit of my experiences. I just won’t be obligated to do so.”

However, some politicos emphasized while South Carolina wouldn’t necessarily look too different, there may be some change.

“It’s going to be tough, it’s tougher now for South Carolina,” Bakari Sellers, former South Carolina State Representative said. “But he’s a hero and an icon and nobody will be able to replace him.”

Clyburn is still going to be great at what he does, Sellers emphasized, but it will be different, and the person who follows him will have “huge shoes to fill,” he added.

“I think he’s demonstrated that he’s a political king and queen maker,” Seawright said. “You can win with him, and you can certainly lose without him. You won’t find there are not a lot of people who would disagree about the respect that Jim Clyburn has commanded, not just political respect, but personal respect and professional respect, and I think that means something.”

While everyone agreed his influence is stronger than a title, no one, including Clyburn himself, could answer what 2026 would look like, and whether Clyburn would decide to run again for congress.

“I would not get too far out over my skiis. I have no idea,” Clyburn said about running in 2026. “I feel fine. I wake up every morning trying to figure out what I can do this day to improve upon this country. I’ve said to my daughters that I want on my tombstone ‘he did his best to make the country’s greatness accessible and affordable for all of its citizens.’ I wake up every day trying to figure out what I can do to fulfill that. How long I will be waking up doing that? I don’t know. I’m gonna take it one election at a time.”