Learn math in just 10 minutes a day? New app can help with that

In just 10 minutes a day, you, too, can be good at math.

No, it's not a cheesy infomercial.

It's Minute School: An app by a new Waterloo startup that has micro-courses for high school and university students. The courses go over subjects they're learning in school, quiz them and help them prepare for tests and exams.

Students don't want to spend hours on homework, so the short lessons and quick quizzes are "a fit for their lifestyle," said Tushar Singh, founder and CEO of Minute School.

Currently the app has courses for Grade 9 students taking EQAO math tests, which students were taking last week and this week. EQAO is the province's Education Quality and Accountability Office which assesses literacy and math skills and reports the results to the public.

The Minute School courses are based on the provincial curriculum and built and designed by teachers who have in-class experience.

Courses are free or pay-as-you-learn

Singh said they launched the courses a week ago and user data shows students are using it 24-hours a day.

A recent private investment of $1.2 million is helping Singh expand the company from just himself to six people. They're working on content creation and plan to have courses in a variety of subjects, including science, math, business and economics.

The EQAO courses are free, but other courses on topics like introduction to cell biology will be offered on a pay-as-you-learn format, with fees starting at $5.

Singh said they've received great comments from students.

"The feedback from them is, 'This is the tool I need,'" he said.

Listen to the whole interview below: