Letter writers jeer mugshot, endorse Durocher for school board, oppose cutting older forests

Mugshot will be Trump’s legacy

I laughed out loud when I opened the paper and saw former President Donald Trump’s mugshot. This will be the defining, remembered picture of him.

I thought of the defining images of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, the Roosevelts, Dwight Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, Barack Obama: dignified, authoritative, thoughtful, commanding. And here’s Trump, aping like an ogre, like you would for a child. As if, no matter how you view the indictment, it’s not a very serious moment for the country. What a clown — in the absurd and the scary sense.

This is how people 100 years from now will see him, will remember him — a buffoon aping for the camera. It’s perfect somehow.

Chris Hempleman, Lacey

Former President Donald J. Trump is pictured in this photo provided by the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office on Thursday, August 24, 2023, in Atlanta, GA. Trump has been charged in Georgia for alleged attempts to overturn the results.
Former President Donald J. Trump is pictured in this photo provided by the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office on Thursday, August 24, 2023, in Atlanta, GA. Trump has been charged in Georgia for alleged attempts to overturn the results.

Frank Durocher for Olympia School Board

I wholeheartedly endorse Frank Durocher for Olympia School Board District 2 and so should you. As a concerned member of this community, I believe that Frank Durocher possesses the qualities and dedication to make a positive impact on the school district.

I have known Frank for a number of years, and I can confidently say he is deeply committed to the well-being and success of students and Olympia School District, especially considering his children attend Olympia schools. Here are the reasons why I support Frank:

1. Passion for Education: Frank has a genuine passion for education and a strong desire to see every student in our district thrive.

2. Experience: Frank brings a wealth of experience to the table. His background in PTOs, numerous district advisory committees, and project management has given him valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities the school district faces.

3. Accessibility and Communication: Frank is known for his willingness to listen to the concerns and ideas of parents, teachers, and community members. He is committed to open and transparent communication.

4. Inclusivity: Frank is dedicated to promoting inclusivity and diversity within schools, and recognizes the importance of creating a safe environment for students and staff.

5. Fiscal Responsibility: Frank understands the importance of responsible fiscal management and is committed to ensuring the district’s limited resources are used efficiently.

Frank Durocher is the right choice to steer this school district towards an even brighter future, and I urge you to support him on November 7!

Caleb Perkins, Olympia

Stop DNR cutting down legacy trees

The Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is selling off trees to be logged on public land that includes mature (legacy) and old growth trees. Because we are in a global warming crisis, this must stop.

The giant conifer forests of the Pacific Northwest store more carbon per acre than any other forests of the world. These legacy trees sequester and store carbon from the atmosphere for long periods of time. When a tree is cut down, most of its carbon is released through waste during harvest and manufacturing. Newly planted trees will take decades before they store as much as the older trees.

Legacy trees reduce flooding and erosion risk by holding water in the soil from heavy rains. They promote biodiversity and provide habitat for wildlife.

Older trees are better able to withstand and recover from fires because they have thicker bark. Some species have lower branch self pruning which limits fire crown spread.

On DNR lands, there should be no logging of trees 80 or more years old.

Heather Pens, Olympia