Are license plate frames on vehicles illegal in Kentucky? It all depends, the law says

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If you enjoy representing your alma mater or favorite sports franchise with a custom license plate frame or cover, you better make sure it complies with Kentucky law. Otherwise, you could face a hefty fine and court costs.

While license plate frames aren’t explicitly forbidden, they must meet a few requirements to fly on the road in Kentucky.

Here’s what to know about the legality of license plate frames, the penalties for those that aren’t legal and what to know about custom plates in the Bluegrass State.

Are license plate frames illegal in Kentucky?

Kentucky Revised Statute 186.170 is the commonwealth’s law on displaying license plates, and it states drivers are generally required to “conspicuously” display their plate on the rear of their vehicle.

It mentions plate frames and covers specifically, providing “No rim, frame or other covering around the plate shall in any way obscure or cover any lettering or decal on the plate.”

Based on that wording, if your plate frame happens to obscure the lettering or your vehicle’s registration decal even partially, it’s possible you could be stopped for it.

In Kentucky, according to the Florence-based law office of Busald, Funk and Zevely, a driver pulled over for improper display of their registration plate could face a fine of $250 in addition to court costs. The fee is similar to that imposed for driving a vehicle with an expired registration in Kentucky.

How do I get a special license plate in Kentucky?

Despite some restrictions around license plate frames, you can still jazz up your Kentucky tags. According to the state’s Transportation Cabinet, Kentucky issues more than 150 different types of license plates, including plates that recognize military veterans, university graduates and different disabilities. All available types can be viewed at

The application process for a personalized plate begins with the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet’s Personalized Plate Review Committee, which “pre-approves” plate requests. To get started, applicants must take the following steps:

  1. Visit the plate list application page to confirm availability of the character combination you’re requesting

  2. Select an image of the plate you want personalized by clicking “personalize this plate”

  3. If availability is confirmed, submit your request online by clicking “request this plate”

If your plate request is pre-approved, take the email you receive to your county clerk’s office and pay the personalized plate fee of $25, plus the fee for registering the plate.

If your plate is rejected, you will also be notified by email. Your next step is to make an appeal online. Appeals are typically reviewed once a month by an appeal committee. All appeal decisions are final. Questions can be submitted to

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