Long list of legislative priorities for fall session of House of Assembly, says government house leader

Government House Leader Steve Crocker says the fall session of the House of Assembly will be one of the busiest since he's been in office. (Jeremy Eaton/CBC - image credit)
Government House Leader Steve Crocker says the fall session of the House of Assembly will be one of the busiest since he's been in office. (Jeremy Eaton/CBC - image credit)
Jeremy Eaton/CBC
Jeremy Eaton/CBC

With MHAs returning to Newfoundland and Labrador's House of Assembly on Monday afternoon, Government House Leader Steve Crocker says the fall session will be "very aggressive," with more than 20 pieces of legislation to discuss.

A number of legislative points have been delayed due to disruptions caused by COVID-19 and will be carried over to this session, said Crocker, who is also Minister of Tourism, Culture, Arts and Recreation.

"We have a very busy legislative agenda — probably one of the busiest that I've seen in my time in the House of Assembly," he said.

"To pick out a priority is never easy to do, because every single piece of legislation is a priority for somebody," he said.

Some of those priorities include reforms to accessibility legislation and ATV safety, Crocker said.

In September, Sarah Stoodley, minister of the Digital Government and Service N.L., announced ATV safety regulations would be coming in the fall, after the province recorded its sixth ATV-related death of the year.

Accessibility legislation has been forthcoming since the province undertook a public engagement process in early 2019.

Katie Breen/CBC
Katie Breen/CBC

The fall session will see discussion over reforms to the Elections Act as well, Crocker said, after a four-party committee chaired by Justice Minister John Hogan was convened in the spring to increase voting accessibility in the province.

Crocker said there will also be discussions on healthcare, the effects of the pandemic and the province's fiscal future.

The first sitting of the 50th General Assembly of Newfoundland and Labrador will begin at 1:30 p.m. NT on Monday and will be streamed virtually.

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