Look: Ken doll, Dora the Explorer top list of odd sewer finds

A Ken doll that has clearly seen better days topped the list of the most unusual items removed from sewers managed by Britain's Severn Trent. Photo courtesy of Severn Trent

May 3 (UPI) -- One of Britain's largest water companies said the most unusual items found in its sewers include a Dora the Explorer action figure and a Ken doll.

Severn Trent, which provides water services to regions including the Midlands, Bristol, the outskirts of Sheffield and north and mid-Wales, released a list of the "strangest and funny things that have made their way into the sewers."

Toys including a Dora action figure "which obviously went on quite an explorative adventure" and a Ken doll topped the list, followed by pieces of a garden shed, false teeth, underwear, a chopped-up bed frame and pairs of glasses.

Other out-of-place items found among the sewage included wallets, keys, cutlery and car tires.

Grant Mitchell, head of sewer blockages for Severn Trent, said its "anyone's guess" how some of the larger items came to be in the sewer, but "it makes the job pretty entertaining for everyone."

"Although we see items like this at times, the thing we see the most that cause blockages are wet wipes and other 'unflushable' items such as nappies and sanitary products. We would urge everyone to keep in mind that only the three P's should be put down the toilet -- pee, poo and paper -- and bin everything else," he said.