After losing several venues in town, Modesto should support live music | Opinion

Ciara Williams, right, and Westly Williams of Sorry Machine perform during Modesto Porchfest in Modesto, Calif., Sunday, May 21, 2023.

Modesto’s music scene

Modesto ranks No. 1 for ‘under the radar’ live music scene,” (, Aug. 9)

I was happy to see that Modesto achieved a first-place ranking for our recent music scene. I’m not sure how this came about and what the criteria was for the selection, but we will take what we can get in the way of “best” (as opposed to other lists that have categorized us as “worst”).

It is worth noting that we have recently lost several live music venues in town (Ralston’s Goat, Chefs of New York and The Barking Dog) while others seem to be hit-or-miss (Urbano). In the past, the State Theatre had a much better line-up of live music than is currently offered.

Yes, Porchfest is a huge success, but that’s a once-a-year event. Where are some of these talented musicians the rest of the year? Let’s support local music — lest we are relegated to the “sounds of silence” … or crickets.

Scott Turner


Trump’s perfect mugshot

Trump mugshot makes history after surrender at Fulton County jail,” (, Aug. 24)

Donald Trump’s mugshot tells it all: A perfect portrait of anger, hatred and revenge. Be afraid. Be very afraid!

Glenore Flanders



More facilities, not camping

Modesto should consider safe camping to ease homeless crisis,” (, Aug. 27)

Back in the 1990s, former California Gov. Pete Wilson formed a task force to examine state hospital operations. The task force found that the populations of many state hospitals had dropped, and that the per-capita costs were through the roof.

Now, in 2023, the situation in California regarding the homeless population is completely reversed. California needs brick-and-mortar facilities to house the mentally ill and drug-addicted as well as women with children. This is how a competent state government would address this issue. We need common sense legislation that will produce facilities throughout California that will give people who have made the wrong decision or are incapable of taking care of themselves a safe place to sleep.

Mark Costello


Trump’s cons

Presidential debate shows how GOP candidates are struggling to address concerns about climate change,” (, Aug. 24)

None of the eight Republican presidential candidates who participated in the most recent televised debate raised their hands when asked if they think humans cause climate change. This conflicts directly with what the world’s top scientists have said. Vivek Ramaswamy and Donald Trump are the worst of the bunch, as they support measures that would bolster fossil fuel production and increase deaths resulting from extreme weather events, including heat, wildfires, floods, drought and wind.

Candidates who do not care about lives — especially those of our children and grandchildren — should be disqualified from running for the presidency. Furthermore, Trump obstructed the peaceful transition of power and violated his oath of office to uphold the Constitution. Trump reacted poorly to the COVID crisis; abused women; genuflected to demagogues like Vladimir Putin; attacked Gold Star families; separated immigrant families; built a little fence (that was not paid for by Mexico); and placed crooks in his cabinet. There must be strong reasons that people support him despite his destructive behavior.

Some say he temporarily lowered the taxes for the wealthy, but this has contributed to inflation and increased our national debt. What is it that Trump accomplished and stands for that enables his supporters to overlook his endless list of negatives?

Steven Murov
