MADD president nabs Liberal nomination for Topsail-Paradise

MADD president nabs Liberal nomination for Topsail-Paradise

The national president of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) has secured the Liberal nomination for the district of Topsail-Paradise.

Patricia Hynes-Coates was acclaimed, after no other candidates put forward their name to run in an upcoming byelection, triggered when Paul Davis announced his resignation and retirement.

"I am enthusiastic and eager to share my passion for creating positive change," said Hynes-Coates in a media statement when she announced she was seeking the nomination.

Hynes-Coates is the stepmother of Nick Coates, who was 27 years old when he killed when riding his motorcycle in 2013.

Ronald Thistle, the driver of the pickup that collided with Coates, was sentenced to nearly two years in jail for impaired driving causing death, but served just nine months behind bars.

Hynes-Coates and her husband Terry Coates became involved with the MADD chapter on the Avalon Peninsula following his death, and have taken part in various fundraising and awareness efforts, including the Nick Coates Memorial Car Show.

She lives in Conception Bay South with her husband and children.

PCs have their candidate

The Progressive Conservatives announced their candidate for the district of Topsail-Paradise last month.

Paul Dinn, who was elected to Paradise town council in 2013, beat out former NTV journalist Darrin Bent by 18 votes.

The NDP has not yet issued a call for candidates.

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