Man grades his ex’s apology letter and then sends it back

Photo from Twitter/NickLutz12
Photo from Twitter/NickLutz12

An American student now regrets grading his ex-girlfriend’s apology letter, which went viral after he posted it on Twitter.

Nick Lutz used his red pen liberally while reading over the four handwritten pages. He eventually graded it 61 out of 100 and gave it D -.

The University of Central Florida student was critical of his former flame’s lengthy introduction, use of repetition and lack of proof when claiming that she never cheated on him.

In the margin of the pages, Lutz wrote in red ink that his ex should include more details after making the claim “I took all the promises we had and then broke them.” He also corrects the misspelling of “loose” to “lose”. At the end, he gave a summary of his thoughts.

“Long intro, short conclusion, strong hypothesis but nothing to back it up. Details are important,” he wrote. “If you wanted to be believed, back it up with proof. You claimed cheating never occurred but place blame on yourself, then what for? Need to stop contradicting your own story and pick a side. While this gesture is appreciated, I would prefer details over statistics. Revision for half credit will be accepted. Good luck.”

While he admitted to feeling a “little guilty” for posting his critique on Twitter, Lutz said he doesn’t think the letter was genuine, since his ex had lied to him before.

“It came to an end after she told me she was going to a theme park with her best friend, who’s a girl, but I later found out she went with a dude,” he told the BBC’s Newsbeat. “I haven’t spoken to her since this happened but I am not planning on talking to her anytime soon.”

The pair met last February and dated for about eight months. Lutz said his ex has talked to his mother and isn’t happy with the annotated letter.