Meet all 10 Lexington County Council candidates in the June 11 SC primary election

The State opinion team interviewed more than 50 political candidates ahead of South Carolina’s June 11, 2024, primary election, and we present Q&As with all 10 Lexington County Council candidates below. Early voting begins May 28. This year there are two Republicans running in each of Districts 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6, and the primary election winners will serve four-year terms starting in January because no Democrat or other candidate filed to run for these seats. Every candidate was emailed five questions and given 250 words for each answer as part of our endorsement process. We are publishing these interviews first so readers can assess the candidates on their own.

If you have questions about our interviews or eventual endorsements, email me.

Find your polling place and council district here. View a map of all the districts here. If this public service helps, please consider supporting our journalism here.

Lexington County Council District 1: Bishop vs. Whetstone

Michael Bishop
Michael Bishop

Michael Bishop

Q: What are your top three priorities and why?

A: First and foremost, I’ll play a taxpayer watchdog role. The tax increase passed by County Council last year was done without nearly the deliberation and discussion that was warranted. At the very least, there should be someone in the room asking the tough questions.

I want to help keep our homes and families safe through strong support for law enforcement and emergency medical services. And I want to be a voice of reason when it comes to growth and development issues.

I want to address the litter problem and keep our roads clean and keep dirt roads in good driving condition.

Q: What would be your approach to growth and development?

A: We can’t stop economic growth, but we can protect our quality of life by ensuring growth is well-managed and by meticulously planning for the future so development doesn’t outpace our available infrastructure. My district is very rural, and some growth would be a great benefit to the community if done properly.

Q: How would you improve transportation and infrastructure in the county?

A: As a first step, I’d reinstate the roads agreement which has already been reinstated for Cayce, West Columbia and Springdale but not for Pelion, Swansea and Gaston. Abruptly canceling the agreement is another example of the lack of common sense on County Council, and needlessly created discord between the county and these municipalities.

I would encourage the county sitting down and talking with builders, Realtors, engineers and others to come up with a fair growth plan with clear rules and guidelines so projects don’t take months to years to complete and so the rules won’t be changing.

Q: What specifically would you do to improve public safety?

A: Pay them well. Regarding EMS, there must be avenues for open communication – including exit interviews – so personnel can freely express concerns without consequence and county leaders can identify any morale issues that need to be addressed. I would be sure the budget supported their needs for good salaries as well as providing great equipment.

Q: Why should voters choose you over your opponent in this election?

A: I’m a successful small businessman, and I think a business background is important. Businesspeople bring a certain common sense that politicians often lack. I’m obviously more fiscally conservative than the incumbent. And I’ll return phone calls. I believe an important part of the job is listening and being easily accessible.

Scott Whetstone
Scott Whetstone

Incumbent Council member Scott Whetstone

Q: What are your top three priorities and why?

A: As a county council member, my top three priorities would be:

  1. Public safety: Ensuring the well-being and security of our citizens is paramount. This includes supporting our law enforcement agencies, fire departments and emergency medical services. I would focus on providing the necessary resources and funding to keep our communities safe and protected.

  2. Infrastructure development: Our county’s infrastructure is the backbone of our economy and quality of life. I would prioritize investments in road maintenance throughout the county. This would enhance the livability and attractiveness of our county for residents, businesses and visitors alike.

  3. Economic development and affordability: I would focus on creating opportunities for economic growth, supporting local businesses and promoting initiatives that address affordability and accessibility. This includes bringing the stakeholders to the table to find a happy median for growth. This would allow diverse options in housing prices along with maintaining a feeling of quality living.

These priorities are interconnected and crucial for building a thriving, safe and inclusive community where everyone can prosper.

Q: What would be your approach to growth and development?

A: My approach to growth and development involves a multi-faceted strategy that addresses economic, social and environmental aspects.

  1. Diversify the economy: Encourage a mix of industries, such as manufacturing, technology, health care and tourism, to reduce reliance on a single sector.

  2. Invest in education and workforce development: Provide training programs, vocational schools and partnerships with local businesses to develop a skilled workforce.

  3. Infrastructure development: Improve transportation networks and utilities to attract businesses and residents.

  4. Enhance quality of life: Invest in public services, community programs and cultural events to create a desirable place to live and work.

  5. Sustainable development: Prioritize healthy growth, renewable energy and green spaces to ensure a healthy and thriving community.

  6. Collaborate with neighboring counties: Foster regional partnerships to share resources, expertise and economic opportunities.

  7. Encourage community engagement: Foster a culture of participation, inclusivity and social cohesion to build a strong and resilient community.

  8. Leverage technology and data: Utilize data analytics, digital platforms and smart technologies to enhance governance, public services and economic development.

  9. Foster a business-friendly environment: Streamline regulations, offer competitive incentives and provide support for businesses to thrive and grow.

By adopting a comprehensive approach that addresses these areas, a county can create a vibrant and sustainable environment for growth and development.

Q: How would you improve transportation and infrastructure in the county?

A: My approach to Improving transportation and infrastructure requires a multi-faceted approach.

  1. Conduct a needs assessment: Identify areas of improvement through public surveys, traffic studies and infrastructure evaluations.

  2. Follow the county’s comprehensive plan: This is a long-term plan that integrates transportation, land use and economic development goals.

  3. Road maintenance and upgrades: Regularly maintain and upgrade roads, highways and bridges to ensure safety and efficiency.

  4. Foster public-private partnerships: Collaborate with private sector entities to fund and deliver infrastructure projects.

  5. Engage with the community: Encourage public participation and feedback throughout the planning and implementation process.

  6. Seek funding opportunities: Pursue federal, state and local funding sources, as well as grants and private investment.

By implementing these strategies, you can improve transportation and infrastructure in our county, also enhancing the quality of life for residents, supporting economic growth and promoting sustainability.

Q: What specifically would you do to improve public safety?

A: Improving public safety is a crucial goal for any community, and I would continue to push as I always have.

  1. Foster trust and partnership between law enforcement and the public through inclusive, responsive and transparent policing practices.

  2. Continue to study and analyze national and state salary and retention data.

  3. Partnerships: Foster strong relationships between law enforcement, community organizations and local government to share resources and expertise.

  4. Continue to broaden the county’s partnerships with outside EMS partners to help with non-emergency calls.

  5. Data-driven approaches: Leverage crime analytics and data to identify trends, optimize resource allocation and measure the effectiveness of safety initiatives.

  6. Youth programs: Support evidence-based programs focusing on education and mentorship to build buy-in to becoming future fire, police and EMS workers.

  7. Emergency response systems: Enhance emergency response infrastructure, including 911 services and dispatch systems, to ensure swift and effective assistance.

  8. Public awareness campaigns: Launch targeted campaigns to educate the public on safety issues, promote prevention strategies and encourage community engagement.

The most effective approach will depend on the specific needs and challenges of our county and its 14 municipalities.

Q: Why should voters choose you over your opponent in this election?

A: My personal integrity and values won’t let me say I’m the best candidate. I will say I’m the most PROVEN AND QUALIFIED candidate. With the assets I possess I feel I provide the most for the citizens of District 1. I have a high energy collaborative approach, commitment to transparency, and ability to listen to diverse perspectives. I’m never afraid to make hard decisions that I will have to explain to citizens. I stress a commitment to ethical governance, fiscal responsibility, and transparency in decision-making processes. I played a key role in helping develop the comprehensive plan that will lead the county into the future. This plan focuses on improved quality of life with well balanced development and essential services. My background of 30 years in the utility industries gives me a deep vision into the needs of the county. This experience allows me to have insight into the avenues of road repairs and construction.

With the knowledge of living in District 1 for over 25 years I know all of the issues we face personally. Over the past eight years that I have served on council I have sharpened my skills and knowledge of government. There are no candidates that possess the knowledge of this district as I do and no one will work or fight as hard as I will for these citizens. I will always keep my campaign positive, no matter what negativity an opponent brings. I will always stay focused on the issues in the county.

Lexington County Council District 3: Hudson vs. Munnerlyn

Darrell Hudson
Darrell Hudson

Incumbent Council member Darrell Hudson

Q: What are your top three priorities and why?

A: Safety: I took an oath to protect and serve. I have always voted for increased pay for all emergency medical services and police departments. I will continue that commitment.

Quality of life: I spearheaded the rezoning ordinance to decrease the amount of homes 12 per acre to 4 per acre. Ordinance 20-18, which finally passed in 2021, also requires setbacks between homes to allow emergency vehicle access. This includes increased front setbacks to allow more vehicles per driveway in hopes of alleviating street parking, which is unsafe. We are also rewriting our trophy tree ordinance in an effort to save as much green space as possible. I am a huge advocate as I’ve lived here 67 years and will continue to fight for the beauty of “our home.”

Traffic and congestion: The minute I stepped into office, I immediately focused on turning lanes not only at congested areas but at stoplights. Unfortunately, the majority of our heavily traveled roads are state roads not county roads. Fortunately, I am now on the board of the Central Midlands Council of Governments, which controls most of our federal and state dollars. We are currently in the process of studies in District 3 and surrounding areas which would allow for alternate routes to relieve congestion. I am also the chairman of the Department of Aging at the Central Midlands Council of Government. Taking care of our elderly and putting cameras in senior living facilities is a top priority of mine.

Q: What would be your approach to growth and development?

A: See above

Q: How would you improve transportation and infrastructure in the county?

A: Other than what’s previously stated, I will continue to work with our delegation to beg for monies from the federal and state government to improve our highly traveled roads.

Q: What specifically would you do to improve public safety?

A: I voted in favor of purchasing property on South Lake Drive for a new fire station along with property between West Lexington and Batesburg that will house EMS, Fire, Magistrate Office and Police Department. As stated above, I will always support our emergency workers and their needs. This in turn increases safety for our community.

Q: Why should voters choose you over your opponent in this election?

A: I personally do not know my opponent. However, I do know he owns a pyrotechnic company and opposes the unanimous decision by council to have limits on firework times. Council agreed it should not be shot all hours of the night as it affects pets, the elderly, post-traumatic stress disorder survivors, the military, young children and many more. I do not believe anyone with special interests should be representing our citizens.

I find it hard to believe there is anyone more committed to and passionate about serving our community and its people than me. I feel I have proved this over the years and have given it all I’ve got. I answer every phone call, whether in my district or not, and make a concerted effort to help. I currently serve as vice chair of the county council, and also dedicate my time as chairman of the Public Works/Solid Waste Management Committee and, as stated above, am on the board of the Central Midlands Council of Governments. There, I was appointed chairman of the Regional Aging Advisory Committee of the Central Midlands Council of Governments. No special interests here. My interest has been, and will continue to be, what’s best for my constituents.

Brent Munnerlyn
Brent Munnerlyn

Brent Munnerlyn

Q: What are your top three priorities and why?


  1. Traffic Improvement — Traffic isn’t just a nuisance to our everyday lives in Lexington, it is a barrier to progress and quality of life for all residents. Congestion on our roadways also increases the risk of accidents and emergency medical services delay times. Traffic is my top priority as it is imperative for our county’s future.

  2. Collaboration with towns and business leaders — Our county is best served when each town and business has a voice. Uniting our communities to ensure progress across the county is critical to our success and hence is another top priority.

  3. Forward-thinking policies — To ensure a prosperous future for Lexington County, we must ensure we are proactive in providing infrastructure and policies that allow for sustainable growth. I am committed to attracting new businesses, creating jobs and preserving the heritage of the community I grew up in.

Q: What would be your approach to growth and development?

A: My approach to growth and development is multifaceted.

First, I believe we must prioritize infrastructure maintenance as neglecting maintenance leads to costly repairs down the line. Additionally, I am concerned about the lack of action on impact fees, which I believe are necessary for infrastructure improvements amid growth. Impact fees ensure new developments contribute their share, reducing the burden on current residents. Furthermore, traffic congestion is a pressing issue that hasn’t been addressed adequately, and it is affecting safety and productivity. Lexington County needs a dedicated traffic engineer to address this, improving road safety and flow.

Q: How would you improve transportation and infrastructure in the county?

A: I believe our current budget allocation for road maintenance and expansion in Lexington County is far below the allocation it takes to maintain and properly expand our roads. I will work to secure grants and state funding to help assist with progress and place a focus on prioritizing projects based on need. Part of my plan for prioritizing projects is securing a dedicated traffic engineer, which the county currently does not employ.

Q: What specifically would you do to improve public safety?

A: I am a strong supporter of law enforcement along with our fire and EMS services. I will work with each of our public safety departments to ensure that each department has the support necessary to maintain standards of excellence and to improve public safety. I have concerns regarding our ability to staff public safety departments, and I look forward to working with county leadership to ensure we execute effective programs to provide a future talent pipeline and improve employee retention. Additionally, I believe today our traffic congestion resulting in traffic accidents is an area of opportunity that when improved will improve public safety.

Q: Why should voters choose you over your opponent in this election?

A: The current incumbent has served eight years on county council and I believe new fresh ideas are needed to move Lexington County forward. In addition, the current county council is not effectively collaborating with municipalities and business leaders in a way that brings the community together for the overall good of our community.

I bring a unique business leadership perspective having managed a large healthcare business and being a business owner. I have experience managing large budgets and numbers of people, which helps ensure we are effectively spending our tax dollars wisely and effectively. This experience has taught me the value of collaboration with leaders and community.

Lastly, I am from Lexington. I grew up here, having attended Lexington Elementary through High School, and now I serve my community as an independent pharmacist and pharmacy owner. I know Lexington and the issues well.

Lexington County Council District 4: Cockrell vs. Leonard

Todd Cockrell
Todd Cockrell

Todd Cockrell

Q: What are your top three priorities and why?

A: Priority one is protecting the taxpayers, first by saying no to wasteful spending, and second by finding ways to make county government more efficient and accountable.

I’ll also prioritize solving our traffic problems, especially in the Lexington area. County Council and Town Councils must work together to implement effective traffic management strategies, allowing us to collectively approach state and federal officials for funding for systems that have been proven to improve traffic conditions.

The daily traffic jams hurt the local economy as well as our quality of life because the time we spend stuck in traffic is time we can’t spend at home with family.

I’m a strong supporter of law enforcement and a proud participant in South Carolina Troopers Association events. Public safety is among my top priorities.

Q: What would be your approach to growth and development?

A: We’ve got to strike the right balance between the need for responsible economic growth and protecting our neighborhoods and property values from out-of-control overdevelopment.

Growth must be managed responsibly, and any new development must be compatible with the surrounding community and the surrounding infrastructure. And there must be careful, long-term planning.

Q: How would you improve transportation and infrastructure in the county?

A: There’s no silver bullet for better transportation and infrastructure but solving our traffic congestion challenges needs to be a top priority for all local elected leaders. And all options need to be on the table — from better growth management to road and interchange improvements to the innovative, new traffic light management systems that optimize traffic flow.

Q: What specifically would you do to improve public safety?

A: We should make sure law enforcement and emergency workers are well paid to better compete with other counties for top-quality personnel. The most important thing any elected official can do is make sure our public safety officers have the resources they need and the support they deserve, then get out of the way and let the professionals do their jobs.

Q: Why should voters choose you over your opponent in this election?

A: We’re both good candidates, but I believe what sets me apart is my record of community involvement. I’m active with the local chambers of commerce – including serving on the board of the Cayce-West Columbia Chamber — and an advocate for small businesses and for shopping local. I volunteer to help with fundraising for Palmetto Place Children’s Home. And I’m a committed volunteer for Mothers Against Drunk Driving.

I also proudly accept the endorsement of our United States Congressman Joe Wilson: “His commitment to responsible growth and prosperity, combined with his extensive professional experience, make him the best choice for the position. His leadership skills and ability to build strong relationships will greatly benefit the community, and his conservative values and dedication to public service make him a trusted and reliable candidate. I am confident that Todd will serve the people of District 4 and all of Lexington County with excellence.”

Doug Leonard
Doug Leonard

Doug Leonard

Q: What are your top three priorities and why?

A: Safety: EMS/firefighter and police response times need to improve and we need to provide the support/funding needed for these heroes to do their jobs!

Road maintenance/traffic: Our roads are in horrible condition and over capacity, so much so that traffic has become a major headache for our citizens.

Tax reduction: Our citizens are having a difficult time making ends meet. That said, we need to confirm we are being good stewards of all tax dollars and look for ways to provide better services with less cost.

Q: What would be your approach to growth and development?

A: We need to link our growth and development to our infrastructure capabilities. My approach is to leverage growth and development and use it to drive and maximize our infrastructure development. I will work to develop a collaborative team approach between ALL stakeholders to identify the most cost-effective process to properly manage growth.

Q: How would you improve transportation and infrastructure in the county?

A: To solve any problem that we face, we must have a process in place. My process would begin with meeting with all shareholders to listen and learn from the individuals who are providing the services for our citizens.

Next, I would review (if already in place) or establish “key” performance measures to determine the current level of service our citizens are receiving.

Following that, I would complete a root cause analysis to identify and remove roadblocks or bottlenecks negatively impacting our citizens.

Finally, I would work to understand current levels of funding, identify areas where we could save and make sure that the funding is properly appropriated to provide the level of service to our citizens that they deserve.

Specific to transportation and infrastructure, we should look at immediately identifying a process to properly maintain the 30-40% of our roads that are in fair to poor conditions. Once determining our current infrastructure capability, we should develop creative ways to “fast track” the process of increasing our infrastructure capacity at an increased rate. We should determine the current growth trends and forecast our infrastructure needs over the next 5/10/20 years. Once that data is available, we should work to expedite the process and begin constructing the infrastructure needed for tomorrow today, instead of the current process of constructing infrastructure today for yesterday.

Q: What specifically would you do to improve public safety?

A: Again, I would begin to solve this problem using the same process that I used for infrastructure and transportation. I would meet with all shareholders to listen and learn from the individuals who are providing the services for our citizens.

Next, I would review (if already in place) or establish “key” performance measures to determine the current level of service our citizens are receiving.

Following that I would complete a root cause analysis to identify and remove roadblocks or bottlenecks negatively impacting the service our citizens are currently receiving.

Finally, I would work to understand current levels of funding, identify areas where we could save and make sure that the funding is acquired to provide the level of service our citizens deserve.

Specific to public safety, we should confirm that public safety has the resources, training and support needed to perform their roles professionally and safely.

Q: Why should voters choose you over your opponent in this election?

A: My wife and I have been happily married for over 38 years. We have successfully raised four adult children. All of them are conservative Republicans and contributing, productive Lexington County citizens. They have blessed us with 9 grandkids. I have a vested interest in making sure Lexington County remains a great place to have and raise children. There is a push from the top down to convert South Carolina from a red to a blue state through several initiatives by various organizations. The county and the municipalities are currently experiencing these efforts. I will guard our quality of life. I am committed to saving our country, state, county and city from these intentional efforts of others to fundamentally change our way of life. I am not a perfect person, but I will be transparent and honest.

I have an extremely diverse background working with several top Fortune 500 companies in critical leadership roles, leading teams as large as 150 members. I have an intimate knowledge of the budgeting process and have personally been responsible for numerous multimillion-dollar budgets.

I am a firm believer in serving my neighbor. My family has worked as poll managers and poll clerks for over a decade right here in Lexington. My family and I are involved in our local church with the worship team and leadership team. These experiences have made me even more determined to guard, protect and save our way of life. I need your support to make that happen.

Lexington County Council District 5: Fisher vs. Jones

Clifford Fisher
Clifford Fisher

Clifford Fisher

Q: What are your top three priorities and why?

A: My top three priorities ensure that the citizens of Lexington County’s voices are at the forefront, a good return on the investments our citizens make to our county.

With the exploding growth of Lexington County, we need to ensure we are guiding growth for our future generations, adopting policies that are keeping pace with the growth of Lexington County, making the right decisions that will embrace future growth and prosperity thoughout the county and ensuring access to safe, affordable housing options for individuals and families of all income levels.

Public safety is about fostering a sense of security and well-being for all members of society, regardless of background or circumstance. It requires a commitment to fairness, justice and equality under the law, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to live free from fear and harm. By prioritizing public safety and investing in measures to protect and empower communities, we can create environments where individuals can thrive and fulfill their potential, laying the foundation for a brighter and safer future for generations to come.

We need to have innovation and technological advancement in infrastructure development by supporting research and development initiatives, promoting public-private partnerships and incentivizing the adoption of cutting-edge solutions that address emerging challenges and opportunities. We must develop comprehensive, long-term infrastructure plans that anticipate future needs, accommodate population growth, technological advancements and prioritize investments that deliver lasting benefits for current and future generations.

Q: What would be your approach to growth and development?

A: We need to invest in infrastructure needs in roads, bridges, public transportation and utilities to support economic growth and improve quality of life. We need to encourage the growth of diverse industries to reduce dependence on a single sector and enhance resilience to economic fluctuations. Small business support will provide resources, incentives and assistance programs to support the establishment and growth of other small businesses, which is often the backbone of the Lexington County’s economy. Long-term planning develops and implements strategic plans that balance short-term needs with long-term sustainability and resilience. This will take into account demographic trends, economic forecasts and environmental considerations.

Q: How would you improve transportation and infrastructure in the county?

A: With my extensive experience in road development and construction, I have a solid foundation to contribute significantly to improving infrastructure in Lexington County. I can take a leadership role in infrastructure projects, utilizing my experience to oversee road construction initiatives effectively. I can apply expertise to optimize roadway designs, survey systems and drainage layouts to ensure efficient use of resources and minimize environmental impact. I can use innovative construction techniques, materials and technologies to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance the durability and sustainability of roadways and infrastructure. I can engage with local communities and stakeholders to gather input, address concerns and ensure that infrastructure projects are responsive to the needs and priorities of the people we serve. I can embrace a culture of continuous improvement, seeking feedback, evaluating performance and identifying opportunities to enhance processes, procedures and outcomes in road development and construction projects within the county.

Q: What specifically would you do to improve public safety?

A: Improving public safety involves a combination of proactive measures and responsive actions. I have 17 years of law enforcement experience with the Richland County Sheriff’s Department. I will be the only member of council to rely on uniform knowledge of public safety. We can increase police presence in high-crime areas, deploy community policing strategies to build trust and cooperation with residents, and leverage technology for crime prevention, investigation and data analytics. We can help to get funding for targeted crime prevention programs aimed at reducing specific types of crime, gang violence, domestic abuse and substance abuse, through education, intervention and support services. We can foster strong partnerships between law enforcement agencies, municipalities, community organizations and residents to collaboratively address safety concerns, share information and develop solutions tailored to the needs of each community within the county. And we can encourage residents to participate in neighborhood watch programs, which involves community members working together to monitor and report suspicious activity, deter crime and create a sense of solidarity and vigilance within our communities. By establishing an open line of communication with the sheriff and his department about staffing and equipment needs, we will help make sure Lexington County stays a safe place to call home.

Q: Why should voters choose you over your opponent in this election?

A: Voters should choose me over my opponent because of a proven track record, clear vision, transparency, accountability, ethics, communication, accessibility, resilience and adaptability, and dedication to service.

I have demonstrated a history of showing that I am capable of delivering results and making a positive impact. I have a clear vision for Lexington County, with specific plans and initiatives to address key issues and improve the lives of residents. I prioritize transparency, accountability and ethical leadership, ensuring that decisions are made in the best interests of all of Lexington County and with the highest standards of integrity. I am committed to being accessible to constituents, listening to their concerns, and communicating openly and honestly about the decisions being made on their behalf. I believe in working collaboratively to find common ground, build consensus and drive meaningful change.

I have the resilience and adaptability to navigate challenges and uncertainties, responding effectively to changing circumstances and finding innovative solutions to complex problems. I am deeply committed to serving the needs of Lexington County and making a positive difference in the lives of its residents, putting their interests above personal or political gain. As a member of Northside Baptist Church in Lexington, I am committed to my faith and service to the Lord. Please cast your vote on June 11 for Clifford Fisher Lexington County Council District 5.

Gene “Bimbo” Jones
Gene “Bimbo” Jones

Incumbent council member Gene “Bimbo” Jones

Q: What are your top three priorities and why?

A: My top priorities are to continue the positive improvements to our road and growth plan and to continue updating the ordinances that directly apply to these areas. Some of the county ordinances pertaining to growth had not been addressed or updated since the 1980s before my election in 2020. The citizens I represent in District 5 understand the need to control growth and preserve what makes Lexington County so wonderful. Funding first responders and providing the best equipment is another top priority. While others defunded the police, I voted to give raises. With better pay and better equipment, these public servants can effectively do their job serving our community, cutting response times.

Q: What would be your approach to growth and development?

A: My first term in office was eye-opening. The county had plans and ordinances in place that hadn’t been updated in decades. My approach remains the same, continue updating county laws and have responsible growth that serves the taxpayers and not the special interest groups of this county. The development of Lexington County has been out of control for too long, and I would continue my approach to have good, positive growth that is good for everyone.

Q: How would you improve transportation and infrastructure in the county?

A: I have continued to lobby for better roads and infrastructure. I see the heartache that every driver faces as they travel around Lexington. Traffic improvement is a top priority and requires not only a local approach from County Council, but also falls in the lap of state and federal partners who fund many of the roads and their improvements. I will continue working with our state and federal leaders to achieve improvements.

Q: What specifically would you do to improve public safety?

A: It is paramount that we take care of our first responders. In return, they can do their job to effectively take care of us. I will always push for better pay, state of the art equipment and better recruiting and retention policies. Our county taxpayers stand behind our public servants, and if we can better serve them on council, our taxpayers will be better served. During the COVID-19 pandemic, as many ran from harm, these selfless servants ran to it.

Q: Why should voters choose you over your opponent in this election?

A: As a lifelong resident of Lexington County, I have been blessed to raise my family here and watch my boys raise their family here. Over the years, I have seen farms turn to neighborhoods and country roads turn to major thoroughfares. I understand the stress and struggles many of my neighbors face and can relate on a personal level. Being in the tire business for 50 years has taught me a lot. I’ve seen every walk of life come through my doors and realize that many people are a “set of tires” away from being broke. I am humble and understand my neighbors’ needs wholeheartedly. I will always work for a safe and better way of life. I have proved that I am a public servant who serves the people and not the special interest. I will always choose the people over politics.

Lexington County Council District 6: Resnick vs. Wessinger

Jason “J.J.” Resnick
Jason “J.J.” Resnick

Jason “J.J.” Resnick

Q: What are your top three priorities and why?

A: I will focus on revamping our public safety system, improving our failing infrastructure around Lexington County, and managing our rapid growth responsibly. Public safety must be a top priority for our residents. If people don’t feel safe in their homes or can’t trust they will get prompt emergency response when it’s needed, then nothing else matters. Inadequate/poorly maintained infrastructure is a danger to residents. Our council has known for years that growth was coming, yet it didn’t adequately prepare. We must work together with the towns and the state to bring our roads and infrastructure up to par. Finally, growth is inevitable, but we must manage it appropriately, or everyone suffers.

Q: What would be your approach to growth and development?

A: In the first six months, I would meet with my counterparts in other southeastern counties that have had a growth boom. Cities such as Rock Hill have experienced what we’re now experiencing and can provide insight into how they managed the boom – as well as which steps to avoid. It’s also important to sit down with builders. We need open dialogue with all parties at the table. The current council simply hasn’t done that. Growth and development isn’t a one-sided issue. It affects everyone. Pitting people, groups and communities against each other solves no problems, it only creates more.

Q: How would you improve transportation and infrastructure in the county?

A: We need more interstate on/off ramps onto local roads to ease the traffic burden. Studies are underway about widening Highway 76 from Ballentine to Chapin. That would significantly help our residents. I’ll work with our state representatives to implement an action plan. The county admits most of our roads are failing, but it has no plan to fix them. I’ll work with my fellow council members as well as the County Department of Public Works to advise a plan and a timeline for making it happen.

Q: What specifically would you do to improve public safety?

A: The first step is figuring out why we can’t recruit and retain emergency medical technicians, paramedics and dispatch. I’ll meet with the county human resources department and county administrator to review exit interviews from former employees and look at applications of those we are hiring vs. not hiring. I’ll talk to HR about recruitment plans. We can’t continue using 1990s recruitment tools to get 2020s applicants. Counties around us with much better staffing have looked outside of the box. They’ve recruited from outside their counties (and the state) to hire staff. We also must examine salaries and the work atmosphere so we can retain our public safety workforce. For instance, the small county of Chester is paying thousands more for a firefighter with better pay, workload and work schedule. With Lexington County’s tax base, if we manage our money properly, we should have the resources to pay more than a smaller county does.

Q: Why should voters choose you over your opponent in this election?

A: Many issues facing Lexington County involve public safety, small businesses and managing growth/development. I have a background in, and a passion for, all of them. I began working as a rescue squad/fire department volunteer at age 14, serving in volunteer and paid positions with dispatch, EMS, and fire for nearly 25 years. I understand public safety and what must be done so our residents can feel safe again. In 2015, I began running my small business full-time and have been blessed to watch it grow, even during COVID. I understand what it takes to grow and manage a small business in Lexington County. I understand how to build relationships with people and bring them to the table. That skill is critical as a council person. Building relationships with other members of the council is important, but you must also build relationships with members of the communities and leaders of the municipalities. That’s what I’ve done since starting my business, and it’s what I’ll keep on doing.

Charli Wessinger
Charli Wessinger

Incumbent Council member Charli Wessinger

Q: What are your top three priorities and why?

A: My goals for my second term will be to continue on the trajectory that council is on in serving the citizens in the unincorporated areas. We have much work to be done with updating the Land Development manual, and simplifying the very complicated ordinances. We must also address some level of funding for our roads, Public Works Department and infrastructure as well as continue our improvements to emergency management and fire services.

I have been reviewing impact fees and they are not as simple as some have argued. Several counties in South Carolina have been successful in implementing impact fees, but there are many parameters at the state level which add to their difficulty and I would like to work with peers at the state, as well as our delegation members, to review these parameters.

We must also address the number of stray and abandoned animals in the county. Our shelters are overpopulated, fosters are tapped out and there are still too many pets out there getting killed or in dogfighting rings, abandoned, unwanted and roaming pets. This is a huge issue and we need to find a solution from microchipping and controlling backyard breeders to offering low cost spay/neuter programs for our county residents. I would LOVE to see a Lexington County animal services location closer to District 6!

One additional area I would like to work on is agritourism. This will provide economic development opportunities for our agriculture areas.

Q: What would be your approach to growth and development?

A: I will continue reviewing and updating ordinances with my council peers and of course staff to address the quality of life for our citizens who live here today! These items range from density and zoning as well as planning for infrastructure needs to serve our current citizens. We need to plan for the future in a responsible and sustainable manner to retain quality of life at a reasonable price which is our mission for the county. Growing pains are inevitable; however, there must be reasonable time and research put in on how best to work our way forward through the growth that was put into motion many years ago by previous councils. I was instrumental in a group of road reclassifications in my district, as well as the Lake Murray Overlay. We finalized the Lexington County Comprehensive Plan “Grow with us” and that will also play a role in how we move forward in addition to citizen input.

Q: How would you improve transportation and infrastructure in the county?

A: Advocate for increased federal and state funding for transportation infrastructure to secure funding for priority projects and initiatives;

Prioritize preventive maintenance and rehabilitation to extend the lifespan of infrastructure assets and reduce long-term costs;

Establish dedicated funding streams for transportation infrastructure through mechanisms such as impact fees;

Increase public awareness of the importance and the need for adequate funding to maintain safe and efficient roads;

Engage stakeholders through public education campaigns, outreach events, and participatory decision-making processes to build support for transportation investments and funding measures;

Additionally, explore partnerships with private entities to finance, build and maintain transportation infrastructure through development agreements.

Addressing funding shortages for road maintenance and other traffic-related issues requires a combination of strategies to increase revenue, improve efficiency, and prioritize investments.

Q: What specifically would you do to improve public safety?

A: The actions council has taken over the past several years from increased pay to contracting with a private company to take low acuity and transport calls have proven to improve response times for emergency services. More improvements are needed in all areas from fire, police and EMS. Council has approved a plan from fire services to add the west region location including approved funding. I would like to encourage a culture of continuous improvement with law enforcement, EMS, operations and fire that encourages innovation, feedback, best practices and lessons learned. Also, I want to regularly evaluate the effectiveness of policies, programs, and interventions, and adapt strategies as needed to better meet the evolving needs of communities. I would build collaborative partnerships with medical services and communities to offer training and education on best use of resources is another way to make improvements in these essential services.

Q: Why should voters choose you over your opponent in this election?

A: I genuinely care about the citizens in my district and the entire county and that is evident by my actions in addressing concerns from the citizens — even those not in my district. The amount of time needed to be successful in this seat is great. You must be willing to put in that time for the citizens. I give 110% in time, effort, research and understanding the parameters of the rules and ordinances. I have been a team player with my council peers and while working together, we have accomplished much in a short amount of time. I also take time to understand citizen issues. I listen to their concerns, and communicate with them. At times, there are difficult conversations about how processes work and what a council can legally do or not do for citizens, and I explain all parameters of an issue, including costs associated with needs. I am an advocate for our citizens, our staff and volunteers who serve on commissions and boards with the county. My career in higher education geared towards life-long learning and research has given me the skills necessary to do a thorough job representing our citizens.