What are the minimum marriage ages around the world, as England and Wales raise age to 18?

England and Wales have increased the legal age to marry to 18, to protect children from forced marriage  (Getty)
England and Wales have increased the legal age to marry to 18, to protect children from forced marriage (Getty)

England and Wales have formally changed the legal age for marriages and civil partnerships to 18, meaning 16- and 17-year-olds will no longer be able to wed going forward.

The change came into effect on Monday, February 27, and has been hailed as a “huge victory” against those who exploit vulnerable children by marrying them off at a young age.

Justice Secretary Dominic Raab said perpetrators who go against the legal age will face the “full force of the law”, with someone found guilty of arranging child marriages potentially getting a sentence of up to seven years in prison.

He explained: “This law will better protect vulnerable young people, by cracking down on forced marriage in our society. Those who act to manipulate children into marrying under-age will now rightly face the full force of the law.”

According to Unicef, 21 per cent of young women, which equates to 12 million individuals, are married before their 18th birthday globally.

So, what are the minimum legal marriage ages around the world? Here’s everything we know.

What are the minimum marriage ages around the world?

More often than not, countries have two minimum marriage ages; one age for marriage with parental consent and another for without.

Before the new law in the UK, you could marry or enter into a civil partnership at the age of 16 if you had parental consent.

Countries with marriage age limits younger than 16

For instance, in Iran, the minimum age for marriage with parental consent is 13 for girls and 15 for boys. However, for marriage without parental consent, reports say that individuals have to be 15 if they are female and 18 if they are male.

Similarly, in Equatorial Guinea and São Tomé and Principe, children can marry at the age of 14 with their parents’ consent but have to wait until they are 18 otherwise.

There are a considerably high number of countries that allow children to marry at the age of 15 and 16 as long as their legal guardians sign off on it. However, the majority of nations across the globe have 18 as their minimum barrier for marriage without parental consent.

Countries with marriage age limits older than 18

There are also a handful of countries that have set their minimum legal marriage age higher than 18. Below are the countries that require individuals to be 21 years old before they can get legally married.

  • Botswana

  • Burundi

  • Cameroon

  • Chad

  • Eswatini

  • Gabon

  • Guinea

  • Ivory Coast

  • Lesotho

  • Namibia

  • Niger

  • Rwanda

  • Zambia

Burkina Faso and Libya require the bride and groom to be 20 years old, while Algeria has set the minimum age at 19.

Sudan used to have a unique policy when it came to the legal marriage age. Muslim children were allowed to be legally married as soon as they hit puberty. Non-Muslim children, however, could only marry after they hit 13 if they were a girl, or 15 if they were a boy. The Sudanese government changed the legal age for marriage to 18 in late 2020, outlawing child marriage.