Our Missouri crisis pregnancy center offers genuine care for mothers and children | Opinion

Two years after the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, Missouri lawmakers remain steadfast in their mission to illuminate the true meaning of “choice.” Meanwhile, state Rep. Emily Weber remains focused on promoting her pro-abortion views and once again villainizing Choose Life Marketing. In a recent guest commentary for The Kansas City Star, Weber conflates harming unborn babies with reproductive health care and seems annoyed that Missouri favors choosing life.

Her notion that crisis pregnancy centers offer “biased” information overlooks many facts, including the incredible support they provide. These centers are lifelines, offering free ultrasounds, baby supplies and genuine emotional support. Furthermore, her accusations that non-medical workers in the centers pretend to be doctors by wearing white coats are untrue. Many pregnancy resource centers have licensed health care professionals committed to the highest ethical standards, providing genuine care for both mother and child.

Rep. Weber also implies that centers such as ours keep private medical information, which is also not true at Choose Life Marketing. We respect and protect the privacy of the women we serve, ensuring their information is secure and confidential.

Her list of grievances continues, including her issue with our use of geofencing — technology that uses smartphone GPS location information to target advertising to people based on their location — to reach pregnant women with helpful information; this is simply modern marketing. Ever been near a coffee shop and received a discount coupon on your phone? That’s geofencing. We use it to ensure women know all their options, especially when near places such as Planned Parenthood. Since Big Tech overwhelmingly favors abortion and often censors pro-life clinics, we provide a much-needed balanced perspective. After all, who doesn’t appreciate a second opinion, especially when it could save a life?

The claim that anything not promoting abortion as women’s first and only option is the best example of misleading and deceptive. But let’s be clear: The only thing misleading here is the euphemistic language used to call abortion “reproductive health care” or “women’s rights.” Does the baby have any rights in this scenario? It’s not surprising that these sentiments overlook the vast community of pro-life women who champion the rights of both mother and child.

If someone is truly “pro-choice,” shouldn’t you be celebrating all choices, not just the ones that end in abortion? It’s time to support all women’s decisions, not just the ones that fit a narrow narrative. As for us, we proudly choose life — unapologetically.

Scott Baker is the vice president of public affairs at Choose Life Marketing, a Christian-led digital marketing company in Columbia.

Scott Baker, vice president of public affairs at Choose Life Marketing
Scott Baker, vice president of public affairs at Choose Life Marketing