Monet McMichael Is Your New Internet Bestie

Monet McMichael has made a career out of being relatable. One swipe through her TikTok (where she’s amassed more than 3.8 million followers), and you’ll find her making entertainment out of the mundane: a simple “Get Ready With Me” or trip to the grocery store is punctuated by her skillful storytelling and funny commentary. It’s the kind of content that makes you feel as if you’ve just hopped on FaceTime with one of your besties.

McMichael prides herself on creating a community in which everyone feels comfortable and welcome—especially as a woman of color. As her fame has skyrocketed, she’s scored campaigns with brands like Google, L’Oreal, Charlotte Tilbury, and most recently, the TikTok-loved fragrance brand Snif Co. McMichael, who is half Black and half Puerto Rican, recognizes the importance of her visibility.

“It makes me want to cry that people can find comfort in me and relatability and representation because there’s so many girls I looked up to growing up on YouTube that are women of color,” McMichael tells Glamour. “I can never express my gratitude to what that did for me and my confidence. The fact that girls can relate and connect with me that way is just unexplainable.”

For her new partnership with Snif Co., McMichael has released a genderless fragrance called Rose Era inspired by her love of florals. “I love fresh, light smells,” she says. “I noticed when I was taking notes on what I wanted to create with Snif, all my favorite perfumes had floral notes, whether it was jasmine or rose specifically. I definitely wanted that to be the overall vibe. Rose, in general to me, symbolically, is everything feminine, gorgeous, powerful. An iconic flower.”

Although the scent is floral, McMichael insists all her followers—and all fragrance lovers—can wear it. “My fragrance has more feminine elements, but it also is very neutral in the sense that it has that clean, fresh vibe to it.”

Snif Co. Rose Era

$65.00, Snif Co.

Creating an inclusive community is important to McMichael, who has developed a close relationship with her followers. As she’s gotten recognized in public, she likes taking the time to connect IRL. “When I’m leaving the house, I’m prepared. Honestly, it’s so funny too. I can recognize the girls who watch my videos,” she says. “If they do a double take, I’m just like, Hey! Anytime I go to the mall, it’s a whole link up. I always love chatting and getting to know about their lives. It’s crazy, and I absolutely love my girls. I feel like we always have so much in common and just being human at the end of the day.”

Most of these followers include fellow Jersey Girls. McMichael, 24, who is from South Jersey and studied nursing before becoming a content creator, has a lot of love for her home state and doesn’t see herself heading for the West Coast any time soon. “I moved almost a year ago, and it was my first big move from South Jersey, so I wanted to be closer to New York but not in the sauce. Jersey girl, a lot of my audience is Jersey girls. Definitely thinking about LA, but I don’t know. I love New York. I’m an East Coast girlie.”

Ahead, Monet McMichael opens up about the boundaries she sets for social media, her best beauty advice, and the products she can’t live without—plus the sisterhood among TikTok’s top beauty content creators.

Glamour: You’re very open and honest with your followers, but is there anything you won't share?

Monet McMichael: That’s a good question. More recently, I’ve been figuring out where those boundaries and the lines are. When I first started posting content, I didn’t think anyone was seeing anything, right? So I would just share every detail. At one point I was like, vlogging in clinical—not my patients, not in the hospital, but with my teachers and friends, showing my agenda and everything. Now, I’m more cautious about not posting in real time for safety reasons. My relationship is the one thing I try to keep private too. I am more cautious about sharing that and with my siblings, my friends—I’m always triple checking with them, “Do you consent?” I really care about my people.

You’re a full-time content creator, but do you have any plans to return to nursing?

I graduated two years ago. What the heck? I can’t believe it. I definitely wanted to just give this my all and see where it takes me. I’m really grateful for this path and thinking of the future, but I do miss that caregiver role and giving back more lately than ever. So, I have been thinking of how I can be active in the community and continue to give back even if I’m not working in the hospital full-time. That’s definitely been on my mind.

What’s a beauty trend you’re obsessed with?

I personally have been obsessed with brown mascara. Brown mascara, brown liner—the girls are probably calling it espresso latte—that look. And blush. I’ve been loving sunset blush.

What’s one beauty rule that you absolutely swear by?

My daily brow routine. In my everyday makeup bag it’s mascara, brow, gel, lip gloss, blush. Those are the ones I can’t go without. Oh, and concealer just a little bit. As long as my brows are locked in place. I always keep tweezers in my bag just in case. I always have a spoolie on me too. My brows love to go their own different ways and shapes. I get them laminated, so they’re more flexible. And when I have lash extensions, I always have a spoolie from them.

What beauty rule do you think is BS?

Primer. I never got into it. That's an unnecessary step. I understand for the girls who swear by it, I get it. But it’s just never worked for my skin.

Fill in the blank. I feel most beautiful when___.

I have a tan, girl. I feel like I don’t need no makeup. I got that natural tan. Oh, my gosh, I can’t wait. I’m going to the Bahamas this weekend.

Do you remember the first beauty product you ever used?

It was definitely E.l.f. pot liner. Eyeliner was my obsession when I first got into makeup. I thought it was so cool and edgy.

What is your biggest beauty fail?

The liner, honestly. She was my blessing and curse. It got really dramatic at one point, when the the wing started to curl and got really thick. Also, filling my brows for sure. We all got got by brow dip.

What’s your go-to getting ready music?

Definitely Gunna, Don Toliver, Ariana Grande, and Doja Cat are in my rotation. Girl, I’m obsessed with music. One of my longest running playlists is over a day long of songs. But those are my top few that come on rotation.

You’re on a desert island and can only use three products for the rest of your life. What are they and why?

Lip gloss, because I cannot be crusty. I need my gloss. Sunscreen, obviously. It’s a hack too, for a body glow and protection. You can look that tan without frying. Lastly, probably some mousse. Mousse for my hair. With a tan, my hair, and my lip gloss, I’m a goddess.

What is your favorite way to take a moment for yourself?

I want to say video games. They make me feel so disconnected in the best way. Well, actually, it’s a social hour with my friends and siblings too. I love gaming. It’s just so fun. I love Fortnite, Sims, I Animal Crossing…. Those are my gravitation right now.

What is the last TikTok rabbit hole you went down?

My For You Page is definitely curated to dogs because I’m getting one next month. I’m so excited. It’s an Italian greyhound. They’re so, so cute. Her name right now is Antionetta, but I’m definitely going to change it. Honestly, it’s kind of sticking. It’s so funny. All my friends and family just laugh at the name.

What is one thing you would change about beauty perceptions on social media?

I really love the trend of showing makeup in different lighting and showing the realness. I have moments where I’m high production, perfect lighting. Everything that you see on social media is not real life. Also, editing is a blessing and a curse sometimes. But don’t compare!

Who are the women who inspire you the most right now?

I have so many OG girls that I feel like we’ve grown together. Love my girl Alix Earle, everything she does. Love cheering her on. Mikayla Nogueira, of course. They inspire me and keep me on my toes. Golloria George is such a powerhouse in the community for women of color, such a good friend. Every time we link up in person, I feel so seen by the end of the night. I’m just like, “How are you really doing?” It’s a lot of work, and we’re all just doing our best. It’s so cool seeing what opportunities land in each of our corners. I’m always cheering my girls on because I know it’s tough, honestly, being on the internet.

Ariana Yaptangco is the senior beauty editor at Glamour. Follow her @arianayap.

Originally Appeared on Glamour