Moore, Patel qualify for U.S. Golf Amateur Championship. Martin, Mocco excel in other sports

Golfer Brett Moore, 17, of Hollywood won the Lago Mar qualifier for the 123rd U.S. Amateur Championship.

Moore earned medalist honors by shooting 7-under par (68-69--137) at Lago Mar Country Club in Plantation. The U.S. Amateur Championship, hosted by the United States Golf Association, is at Cherry Hills Country Club in Colorado.

Sohan Patel, 14, of Weston also qualified by placing runner-up at 6-under par (71-67--138).

Homestead’s Anthony Amoroso (72-67), Davie’s Aiden Arce (70-69) and Weston’s DJ Francey (67-72) each shot 5-under-par 139.

Moore, as a junior last season for Archbishop McCarthy, was a Miami Herald All-Broward first team selection. He tied for second at a FHSAA 2A region championship and placed fifth in the FHSAA 2A state team championship.

Patel, as an eighth grader last season for American Heritage-Plantation, was the Miami Herald All-Broward Boys’ Golfer of the Year. He won a FHSAA 2A district championship and later earned an individual bronze medal at the FHSAA 2A state championship, shooting a 145 to finish just two strokes back of the co-champions. He helped the Patriots place second at state.

Arce, his teammate at American Heritage-Plantation, was a Miami Herald All-Broward first team choice as a junior.

Amoroso, who played golf for Coral Reef and South Dade high schools, is a former Miami Herald All-Dade first team selection. Francey, a St. Thomas Aquinas grad, was a Miami Herald All-Broward first teamer.


Violet Martin, who will be a senior at Ransom Everglades, teamed with Chase Decker of Newport Beach, California to win the North American Sailing Championship in the C420 Division.

Violet Martin of Ransom Everglades teamed with Chase Decker to win the North American Sailing Championship in the C420 Division.
Violet Martin of Ransom Everglades teamed with Chase Decker to win the North American Sailing Championship in the C420 Division.

This 130-boat tournament in Newport, Rhodes Island is the premier event for the Club 420, North America’s largest and most competitive One Design Class.

Youth sailors traveled from 20 states, the District of Columbia, Canada and the Virgin Islands. California had the highest number of sailors at 47, followed by Florida with 28 and Massachusetts with 26.

After three days of sailing, the remainder of the competition was canceled because of safety concerns from high winds reported by the National Weather Service. Martin and Decker were in first place, thus winning the event.


Michael Mocco, who will be a sophomore at Cardinal Gibbons, is having an outstanding summer, adding another championship to his wrestling credentials.

Mocco, a Parkland resident representing Team Florida, won the 16U National Championship in Greco-Roman wrestling in the 220-pound division in Fargo, North Dakota. The All-American went 5-0, while allowing just six points.

Prior, Mocco won the 16U National Championship in freestyle wrestling in Fargo. He outscored the opposition in the 220-pound division 61-0, earning Most Outstanding Wrestling and All-American honors, too.

Earlier, Mocco went 16-0 at the 16U National Dual Meet Championships, presented by USA Wrestling at Mercyhealth Sportscore Two in Loves Park, Illinois. He was named to the All Tournament team.

As a freshman last season at Gibbons, Mocco won an FHSAA state title at 195 pounds. As an 8th grader at Coral Springs Charter, he placed third at state.

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Roundup compiled by Jim Varsallone