More misery for Tottenham

 (Action Images via Reuters)
(Action Images via Reuters)

Tottenham chairman Daniel Levy’s mood must be going from bad to worse. Aside from a painful defeat in the North London derby last month, and the prospects of Champions League qualification getting slimmer by the day, the business model behind Tottenham’s gleaming new £1 billion stadium could also be coming into question.

Last year, the stadium’s extensive business conference wing played host to Fintech Week London, one of the biggest gatherings in the UK for folk in the sector. But Standard City hacks noticed the event was a wee bit quieter than normal.

This year, the conference has dropped Tottenham in favour of a transfer to City – the City of London, that is.

“As cool as the stadium was for a venue it was definitely harder for people to travel to,” a spokesperson told Spy. Very true.

 (Evening Standard)
(Evening Standard)

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